I have had a nice discussion on another thread about clearing snow, but my personal approach is to use my tractor with a rear blade.
I don’t know if you have a tractor or not. If you do, rear blades are not expensive. If not, that ATV might do very well for you.
I have heard of people rigging up gas snowblower contraptions to various vehicles and maybe that appeals to you, maybe not. I have found a simple blade or plow does a fine job.
However I have to relate my first
experience clearing my driveway of snow. Christmas was approaching but up to this point, there had been no snow. We were going to leave to see the families on Christmas when my wife woke me up at about 4:30. She told me I had to clear the snow RIGHT NOW! I looked out and we had 10” with more still falling quickly. So I went out to my little JD L120 garden tractor/riding mower recently equipped with a snow plow. I had never used the plow before for anything and now I had 10” of wet, heavy snow with more falling.
I tried going forward but I could only make about 6” progress. Then I angled the blade and I could make a few feet of progress. The snow was much deeper by the house. I probably spent 45 minutes just getting the first 20 feet from the garage, with about 300’ more to go!
All in all it took me 3 hours to clear my driveway. I was able to move forward (away from the house) about 20ish feet before the snow piled up and stopped that little tractor in its little tracks. I used a grain scoop to then move the pile and I would even lower the snow level ahead of my expected path to ease plowing. I was actually clearing a path (by hand) so I could plow snow!
I later used this as rationale for getting a small diesel tractor.
Good Luck,