Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible!
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Goat Lover
I work in the city so I can play in the woods!
Margo Michaels wrote:The food forest that I help to steward has two very productive plum trees, not sure of the variety but most likely Japanese or European . Problem is that plum curculio, black knot, and brown rot ruin all of the fruit! Out of desperation we're considering copper spray this year but worry about drift; there is a herd of goats within 25' and many people passing by daily. Has anyone on this forum managed to overcome similar problems?
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Ryan M Miller wrote:I got some true seed for wild american plum (Prunus americana) in a seed exchange earlier this month. I plan on stratifying the pits in my refrigerator in some damp sand for about one month before planting them. Hopefully wild plums don't sucker too much. Perhaps I should grow them in a hedgerow.
“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.” —Ronald Reagan
Robert Baerg wrote:So I am in Northern Mongolia, very near the Russian border. We are zone 2/3 by temps and vegetation that I see here. We started a permaculture project here about 7 years ago and are hoping to develop new fruit varieties, that are viable in this climate, through cross pollination and seed propagation. About 5 years ago I acquired my first plums, 7 yellow plum seeds from a government research station about 100km south of us. They were reportedly from the Ussuri River area in eastern Russia. I grew all 7 of them and they produced 7 distinctly different plum trees/bushes. Some are low growing, others more upright, some have 1 to 2 flowers per cluster while others have 2 to 5 flowers per cluster. The first tree, UH-1X, started flowering and fruiting 3 years ago and produced about 40 small, dark red with red flesh, cling stone fruit. Two of the other trees started flowering 2 years ago but did not set fruit, one of them, UH-4X, died due to some unknown soil issue, while UH-1X produced about 150 fruit. This year 4 of the remaining UH plums flowered and 3, UH-1, 3 and 5 produced fruit. The fruit on UH-3X and 5X larger than UH-1X and both were a yellow/orange/red with yellow flesh and free stone. UH-2X bloomed profusely but did not set a single fruit even though all of these plums are growing within meters of each other and there was also an American plum and sandcherries blooming at the same time. We also had a bee hive in the middle of all of this. So it would appear that UH-2X is having a pollination problem. 2 years ago we brought in plum and chum branches from Saskatchewan and Russia and now have a total of 35 varieties growing. We are expecting some of these to bloom this year and see if some of these will pollinate UH-2X. Last year we collected about 500 seeds from our plum harvest and will be growing them out this spring. With our sandcherries and various plums, with our bees, we have a fair mix of pollen moving around. We have a 10ha (22ac) piece of land where we are doing our tree trials.
Mandrake...takes on and holds the influence
of the devil more than other herbs because of its similarity
to a human. Whence, also, a person’s desires, whether good
or evil, are stirred up through it...
-Hildegard of Bingen, Physica
Make yourself as serene as a flower, as a tree. And on wednesdays, as serene as this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies