A few years ago my husband bought me a free standing swing for my Birthday. It was one of the best gifts, the whole family loves it. I didn't put the top on because some of us enjoy laying on the swing and looking up into the tree, or at the stars at night. Last year I scrubbed them up dried them and sprayed them with Scotch Guard, or some other brand, I can't remember, but it was for protecting and
water proofing fabric It was expensive, but not as expensive as replacing the cushions. Since there is nothing over the top of the cushions, they get dirty and bird
poop, ect. I scrubbed them up today and was amazed how clean I was able to get them. They don't look new, but they still look nice. I know It's because I sprayed them. I'm trying not to buy toxic anything. I don't know, but would assume the stuff I bought is toxic. Is there a safe alternative? When I had my daughter I learned the hard way that using fabric softener and a
dryer sheet will make cloths waterproof. Could be a good thing on a jacket, but not diapers. They were super soft, but water/pee proof. What a mess. Anyway I don't want to wash them in my machine, because it doesn't handle things like that very well. I also don't use fabric softener or dryer sheets. I would just like to keep the cushions nice as long as I can. I would love any and all suggestions. Thanks