I am glad to here from dvmcmrhp that willows block streams and create over flow. I have what they call here a torrent running through the garden, that is a stream that dries up in summer, it is the reason my garden is a steep slope down on one side and an assault course up on the other, I go up hanging on to a rope doing a bit of the sort of walking up walls leaning back on a rope sort of assault course thing which is more fun than hard, the precipice is not a wall it is just very steep. It is much more fun than funny to do, though it might be funny to think about.
If that slither of water did not rush so fast but turned into a wider band it would not cut such a ravine in the slope .
In fact the river running through your land is not yours here neither are the meter or two or three to either side of it though it seems you can cut down
trees in the river if you want. I let the willows grow that had been chopped down when i brought the garden so they have grown quite well as they already had
roots and i clean up so the town hall wont take cleaning up into their own hands and I throw stones into the river to turn the stream into a slow wide flow instead of a thin fast one, and just cross my fingures and hope they don't come and chop down all the trees. There are three walnuts two very young, put in by the former owner and some poplars in a bunch, a buckthorn and a wild privet which is like small tree and lot of honeysuckle, two types of it, and several oaks that have self seeded and a few very young may trees, sloes and wild jasmine. It does not look much when you are down there but it sound a lot written down and all of that is wild, i have not planted them and i dont think anyone else has except the walnuts, Maybe the the walnuts just float down stream and grow but i
should think they were planted to entice someone to buy the land.
The downward course of the river is to steep for much overflowing i would like to dam it and have a pond. If i have the time or were with all i will do it ,always knowing that the authorities will come and undo it if they don't like it, maybe there is some way of getting permision to do things like build bridges and such.
Here they are always clearing the river banks of trees for fear of fires. THis is so bad for the streams, turning them into a fast flowing quickly disappearing watercourses.
I was looking for a source to back up my saying that treas slow down rivers same quantity of water going down slower and dvmcmrhp has given it.
I have a foto of willow roots I took when a bit of bank fell away so you can see how all pervasive they are. agri
rose macaskie.