I bet you never heard that before. I always wanted a
greenhouse. My daughter bought me a metal and plastic one that I enjoyed. Then the plastic ripped after only one year. I used
wood to make a frame around the bottom, and redid the plastic. I live in N. California, (a
greenhouse is an indulgence) and don't have lots of money, so I feel I must keep the cost low. The plastic I used was just wrong. It was redone in February 2021, and the sun has already split it. I ordered greenhouse plastic this time. I was talking to my son, saying I needed to get in gear and redo my greenhouse again because I want to see if I can keep a tomato plant and a couple of peppers alive through the winter.
I bought a habanero pepper on accident this year ( we aren't spicy people) My son is crazy about the habanero. Now he wants to build my a greenhouse for the habanero. It won't be fancy, and unfortunately we can't swing real windows. I do have dreams of refurbished windows someday. But it will be a more real, and substantial. I have already had to pull him back. I only need a small greenhouse.
I'm open to suggestions on design. It only gets below freezing a few times a year. Mostly I use it to try to over winter a few plants, and get an early start on veggies in the spring. Even in spring my other greenhouse would get super hot, so I'll need some ventilation. We need to keep cost down. It doesn't have to be fancy, but I would like it to look nice.
On a side note I was wondering about digging into the ground a couple of
I just wanted to share this because I think it's funny my son is so determined to keep the pepper alive. I did suggest we dry and grind it for future use, but he wants to use it fresh.