Two years ago, I experienced my first fall . . . And my first autumn in six years, the first change in season, having left the UK in 2013 for the tropics. I was sooo happy. Walking in the woods, I felt alive. The colours were beautiful, the smells earthy and mixed with tannins, the air cool
enough that I wasn’t sweating as I hiked. October had always been my favourite month. I was also really into vertical panoramas. For years I had taken pictures with my ‘proper’ camera and then edited, converting to black and white. Shooting on my phone in colour was surprisingly liberating.
I’m now starting my third month on Permies. This is more than a passing fad - a new shiny thing. I’m still finding my way.
Mike Haasl has done an amazing job adding a ton load of PEA’s. I’ve been working on
PEP BB’s but now they’re getting progressively harder and
PEA is a better fit for me. I keep messing up though not rereading the requirements, which makes me sad when my work is rejected. My own stupid fault. I’m a visual person, so often focus more on previous posts and miss some vital step. Anyhoo - if you haven’t had a look at PEA’s then I highly recommend you do.
PEA Core Philosophy Badges