Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:Although I love doing repairs on clothes and other textiles, I am so glad I don't have to do all repairs myself! There's a 'Repair Café' in town. As far as I know it's open once a month on a Saturday. Volunteers there help repairing all kind of stuff, even electronic devices! And then you can put some money in a box, as much or as little as you can (or want to) pay!
I had never heard of a
Repair Cafe so I ask Mr. Google "What is a Repair Cafe?"
I found a Wikipedia for that:
A repair Café is a place where people gather to work on repairing objects of everyday life such as electrical and mechanical devices, computers, bicycles, clothing, and other items.
Here are some images I found on pinterest:
That sounds like such fun I want to start one!
Do you have a Repair Cafe where you live?
Have you been to one? What did you get repaired or did you help repair something?
Does anyone think that we might start a
Virtual Repair Cafe right here on the "Repair Forum?" Would it work?
Let's get a discussion going all about Repair Cafes!