I’ve integrated bamboo into my sheep raising operation for over 20 years. In the spring they provide fresh shoots for fodder, in the summer they provide shade which can be up to 7 degrees F cooler than ambient due to the bamboo leaf transpiration causing the grove to act like a giant swamp cooler. In late winter, once the sheep have eaten all of the stockpiled grass in the pastures, I cut older canes out of the groves so they can eat the leaves while the canes left over can be used in the garden the next summer for trellises, etc. In the pasture, I
fence off the area I wish the grove to occupy, the sheep eat every shoot that pops up outside the fenced area to prevent the bamboo from spreading. I block the sheep out of the fenced area during the spring shooting season, but they have access to the grove’s interior for the remainder of the year. The bamboo species I am feeding my sheep include Phyllostachys aurea, P. makinoe, P. rubromarginata, P. edulis, P. bambusoides, and Semiarundinaria fastuosa.