Today I’ve been exploring the depths of the basement. It’s a massive space, 1200 sqft. (The two storey four bed house I lived in the UK was 1100 sqft.). The basement has been abused. At some point in the past, Bodgit and Phucket general contractors installed sewer pipes through doorways, steam heating pipes,
water pipes, electric cables, phone cables and cable TV . . . And other yet to be identified pipes and wires. The lighting flickers and all the windows are taped over with the super itchy loft insulation that’s probably been band for a decade. So it’s dark, full of cobwebs and random boxes and huge potential. I’ve already converted one room into a
workshop . . . I say converted, basically let the light in, fixed the light fitting and moved boxes of rubbish out and my tools in. One of the boxes solve this puzzle . . . They are Nu-Econo-Brik . . Yup, you don’t even get a C, they’re that economical. Unsurprisingly no one has registered the domain ‘ . . . The company was formed in 1975 and then went bust in 1993, so not much info on them, although I did stumble on some blog posts from other bemused new home owners who also had a similar WTF moment. As for the Nu Econo Brik & Stone Adhesive - it is serious stuff, like some kind of nasty offspring of tar and epoxy. I have tried several methods and the only success is removing it with the top layer of ply. No, alas, there isn’t anything pretty underneath, just more old ply.