Ok, so. I have a chainsaw mill that I have been using for several years. I have a LOT of
wood to mill right now, as a giant cherry tree was dumped in my driveway, and I have some dried gum slabs I made when I first got the mill.
My problem is, it is really slow - and the dried wood especially dulls the chains really fast.
I am ready to spend about 3K for a small portable mill. However - I do not have a bobcat, forklift, or any other farm vehicle. The subaru is the closest.
There are a number of mills that meet my pricepoint - Hud-son is one I've been looking at. However, it seems like it weight in at close to 400 pounds, and I'm not clear how you would move that without a
tractor. The swing blade mills seem like more of what I want, but I haven't been able to find one for less that 13K, which is, sadly, out of my price range at this point.
Does anyone know of a cheaper swing blade mill? Or a small bandsaw mill that is easy
enough to dis- and re- assemble close enough to a log to then cant hook the log onto it? or is this a situation where you really just either need a vehicle, or to cough up the big bucks for a swing blade?