posted 2 years ago
There are no ruler straight roads, in some parts of the USA (like in/ around lakes, rivers, hills, & mountains), and yet there are other parts that are very much ruler-esque. It's kind of scary, when folks used to being on those ruler-roads try to drive on the crazy ones, but I don't think the crazy ones would be any easier than the rulers, though. In fact, in Kentucky, when you ask the country folks, "how do I get to ____ from here, please?" They'll almost invariably respond with, "Well, you can't get there, from here! You have to go to ____ first, then go to ____. THEN, you might be able to get there." In places like that, you'd have to go off-roading, to draw pics, with your GPS tracker, lol.
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin