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My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Here's a little something I translated form an article by Anita Supe. She is a nutritionist and dietician who completed her studies in the field at the Göteborgs Universitet in Sweden. She wrote the book "Truth and Lies About Food" (only available in the Croatian and Swedish languages though):
"Here are some scientifically proven facts about what happens when the milk is pasteurized:
• The majority of vitamins B6, B12, thiamine, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin D are destroyed.
• Vitally important enzymes are deactivated. Enzymes are biological catalysts necessary for the absorption of nutrients from milk.
• The phosphate enzyme, which is essential for calcium absorption, is completely deactivated. The decalcification of pasteurized milk can cause osteoporosis, especially in children.
• The enzyme lipase, required for the breakdown of fat in milk, is destroyed.
• Lactobacteria are destroyed. Studies shows that lactose bacteria help produce the enzyme lactase, which is lacking in people who cannot tolerate the dairy lactose sugar. This explains why most of the lactose intolerant can drink unpasteurized milk without problems.
• The protein in milk changes its structure, which leads to allergies in children and in adults.
• Lactose (dairy sugar) is converted into betalactose which quickly raises the blood sugar. This leads to excessive weight gain. Just the opposite of what we believed, nonfat milk easily leads to obesity as opposed to whole unpasteurized milk.
• Betalactoglobulin, which helps exploit vitamin A in the body, is destroyed.
• The Wulzen factor (anti-stiffness factor), is found only in unheated milk. This is a substance which protects animals and humans against hardening of the joints - arthritis.
• One quarter of iodine in milk is destroyed. Iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which among other things regulates metabolism.
• Natural antibacterial properties of milk and immune strengthening properties are destroyed. In other words, the milk becomes easily susceptible to bad bacteria.
In addition research shows that:
• The consumption of pasteurized milk is associated with type 1 diabetes. Scientists have found a protein in pasteurized milk, which "triggers" autoimmune reaction that destroys the cells that produce insulin.
• Pasteurized milk is associated with ovarian cancer. Women who consume pasteurized milk have three times greater risk of developing ovarian cancer.
• Pasteurized milk is associated with multiple sclerosis and infertility women.
• Pasteurized milk contains and cholesterol-epoxy and cholesterol-oxide (oxidized cholesterol). Studies have shown that oxidized cholesterol contributes to the development of cancer and hardening of the arteries.
Do you still want to drink pasteurized milk? You're afraid of "microbial contamination", or in other words that the milk will spoil?
Milk has its own immune system!
Pasteurization began in the 1920’s at a time when tuberculosis was common as well as other infectious diseases caused by poor animal health and poor hygienic conditions and production methods. But times have changed and today it is processed in stainless steel tanks, milking machines and systems for cooling, and implemented strict sanitary inspection. Pasteurization thus becomes completely unnecessary. The only person who benefits from pasteurized milk is the pasteurization industry because it extends the shelf life.
Unpasteurized milk is the only food that has its own built-in protection mechanism. It can be said that the milk has its own immune system. Milk that comes from cows contains several substances that actually kill the bacteria that gets into the milk! To name a few: lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, leukocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, antibodies, fatty acids and lysozyme. Aiding in the prevention of foreign bacteria penetrating through the stomach and intestines are polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, mucins, fibronectin and Glycomacropeptides . To strengthen the immune system lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, antibodies, hormones and growth factors are activated.
Another process with milk is homogenization. In this process, fat molecules break under pressure, to prevent the creation of cream on milk. This is a very unnatural process because the fat produced does not have its natural structure. In addition, the milk fat is removed (skimmed) so that the consumer gets milk which contains 3% milk fat at most. For comparison: I buy milk directly from farmers, from Jersey cattle breed, and it contains more than 6% milk fat. The worst thing is that consumers are deceived that whole milk is harmful and nonfat skim milk is good and healthy.
More than enough reason to provide fresh milk industry unpasteurized milk every day in our stores. But what about the claim that the milk is pasteurized in order to "protect" consumers? This propaganda is just another myth and the truth is that the milk is pasteurized only to protect the dairy industry, which benefits from an extended shelf life milk, forcing us to drink a product of poor quality. Pasteurization masks bad milk since contaminated milk containing pathogenic bacteria is "purified" through pasteurization.
Nature has created a perfect system, and a unique food product which pasteurization completely destroys. Be aware of and engage consumers and demand their right to a choice of quality food production."
Hope this helps.
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