The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price’s research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats.
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Kimberly Hartke
Eco-Homemaker, Farm Market Shopper, and Raw Milk Rabble Rouser
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Kimberly Hartke
Eco-Homemaker, Farm Market Shopper, and Raw Milk Rabble Rouser
Visit my blog: --On the highway going from here to there the question is oft asked "are we there yet". The oft given answer is "not quite yet". So it goes with life and with my little piece of it. This is my story. I get to tell it my way. I hope you enjoy it.
The things you regret on your deathbed are not the failures, but those things you wanted to do but didn't dare to manifest.
Bauluo Ye wrote:@ Tina Paxton
But what about the China Study? The conclusions are the opposite.
A title that drew my attention lately is "Diet Cults: The Surprising Fallacy at the Core of Nutrition Fads and a Guide to Healthy Eating for the Rest of Us". I tells me I'm not the only one noticing a certain nutri-religiousity. At the moment I have most sympathy for WAP, but it's more based on a hunch than on anything else. I can't become the expert I have to be, in order to make real sense of it all. Anyway, people getting out of the grips of agro-industry and marketeers is a development I highly enjoy. It resonates with a lot of stuff many permies hold dear to their hearts. --On the highway going from here to there the question is oft asked "are we there yet". The oft given answer is "not quite yet". So it goes with life and with my little piece of it. This is my story. I get to tell it my way. I hope you enjoy it.
Jami McBride wrote:I agree Tina, and would add to your list - if eating meat (muscle) add organ meats, bone broths and/or good sourced gelatin for amino acid balance.
It's covered in WPF, but sometimes hard to add enough of. Now days we just don't eat the whole animal, and we don't get a lot of fermented foods - two good points to remember. --On the highway going from here to there the question is oft asked "are we there yet". The oft given answer is "not quite yet". So it goes with life and with my little piece of it. This is my story. I get to tell it my way. I hope you enjoy it.
The things you regret on your deathbed are not the failures, but those things you wanted to do but didn't dare to manifest.
Bauluo Ye wrote:Thanks for your reply Tina Paxton. I haven't read The China Study, but it and Campbell keep showing up on my radar. He comes across as an honest and serious researcher, even drawing conclusions that went completely against his own beliefs. He's also human, so he could be wrong. But the study is based on data collected in China (+Taiwan in part 2) only. It's far from a trivial study. In fact it's regarded as the most comprehensive study of diet, lifestyle and disease ever conducted. I just haven't seen it tackled yet and I'd like to see a debate between this side and the "carnivore" side as a matter of a personal fact finding mission. I'll pick it up here:
Bauluo Ye wrote:I'm also putting bits and pieces together from various sources and try to come up with something that seems right for me. Rule 1+2 are a no-brainer. Rule 3 is more tricky because it pretty much rules out paleo/keto/WPF (or are you talking about volume?). I'm also adding the fermented foods and making my first bone broth as we speak. My caution towards grains/gluten is very fresh, but I'm looking into it. And yes Jami McBride, Sally Fallon gave me the last push to finally start learning eating organ meat (especially liver). I haven't figured out where to get a non-toxic one and I'm not looking forward to the taste ether.
Bauluo Ye wrote:What I regard as healthy is to try to avoid cherry picking and confirmation bias. One way is to take a serious and honest look at what the critics have to say. Not the nay sayers, but the ones that have simply come to opposing conclusions. It should be part of science, but unfortunately they too are only human.
If you don't mind me asking, how's your health Tina? My ex suffered from anorexia so I know a little about how devastating eating disorders can be. And they are so damn hard to treat! If you come from a situation like that, I highly congratulate you for being so undogmatic! The main reason I bother looking into this food-stuff is that I keep reading it is a serious factor in what we've started calling mental health. It's a labyrinth, but I can't afford to ignore it. No health, no nothing. --On the highway going from here to there the question is oft asked "are we there yet". The oft given answer is "not quite yet". So it goes with life and with my little piece of it. This is my story. I get to tell it my way. I hope you enjoy it.
The things you regret on your deathbed are not the failures, but those things you wanted to do but didn't dare to manifest.
Bauluo Ye wrote:One question I have about WAPF is why "round" faces and dental health are markers for overall health. Isn't this the bias of a dentist? To me the difference between generations isn't always so obvious as it is to Sally Fallon. I also wonder what happens when you go further back in time, before domestication of ruminants, before milk. Weren't people healthy before this point in time? --On the highway going from here to there the question is oft asked "are we there yet". The oft given answer is "not quite yet". So it goes with life and with my little piece of it. This is my story. I get to tell it my way. I hope you enjoy it.
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few --On the highway going from here to there the question is oft asked "are we there yet". The oft given answer is "not quite yet". So it goes with life and with my little piece of it. This is my story. I get to tell it my way. I hope you enjoy it.
Dawn Hoff wrote:Palm oil isn't very permie though is it?...
Blazing trails in disabled homesteading
Emm Hemma wrote:I did WAPF for a while (not *real* WAPF with bone broth, K2, and the like, but I soaked my grain and beans til they smelled gross - but were still food -) but did not feel well until I found Ray Peat. Are there Peat-ers on this forum? I keep a log of my health and a lot of things have changed for the good while on Peat: back pain, neck and head pain, joints, energy, mood. I used to ferment like half of my food, I do mean half, but it did not do much but make me gain weight due to the protein that comes with it.
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
Matthew Nistico wrote:
Dawn Hoff wrote:Palm oil isn't very permie though is it?...
@Dawn - I'm curious: why do you ask this? From a nutritional perspective, palm oil is a good one, and a traditional one (in tropical regions, at least). It is a tree crop. Why shouldn't it be very "permie"?
I know that these days a lot of land is being cleared to make way for a lot of non-sustainable, monocrop, palm oil plantations. But what else is new? Which agricultural products can you name that aren't being mis-produced by industrial ag somewhere out there? Doesn't mean that the same product can't be produced sustainably somewhere else as part of a healthy polyculture.
Very interested to learn if these are your misgivings, or if you know something else about palm oil that is new to me...?
BTW, here is a little guide to nutritional oils I picked up a while ago and have been living by ever since. I would love to hear people's feedback, counterpoints to this info, or if anyone knows from where this chart comes (I lost track of its source, and would love to rediscover who published it!):
full size pic on
P.S. I don't understand: why can't I get to actually display anything but the thumbnail image?
I think she's lovely. It's this tiny ad that called her crazy:
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