Hello everyone, I would love input here.
I have a neighbor to one side of my very oddly shaped property (this becomes relevant) who has an outside farm-type light on a utility pole. This
lights up his yard—which is fine, that’s his yard—but it constantly lights up parts of my property as well and I truly like having the darkness of night. I walk my dog very early in the morning and that light is blinding. Recently it got replaced from an orang, sodium vapor light to a starkly brilliant
LED light that casts a virtual artificial sunlight during the night. Light pollution is one of my pet peeve’s and I would like to combat this.
My thought was to plant a fast growing row of
trees to serve as a tall hedge. I would want to keep it looking relatively natural and of
course I would want it cheap. This brings the obvious question of what tree to plant. Thoughts include:
Poplar—very fast but short lived and fragile
Hybrid Poplar-cottonwood—similar to above (No cotton!) but has a more natural tree shape
Black locust—fast, tree-shaped. Thorns?
Something else I am missing?
I live in Southern Illinois, zone 6b. We get about 40 inches of rain/yr (but not this year!) and have heavy clay soil. The above-mentioned trees grow very well here as do oaks and hickories but they are terribly slow.
I was hoping to get little seedlings for cheap and plant a whole row of them. We also have intense
deer pressure so I would need to protect them from deer for the first couple of years, which I probably could do with tomato cages or little
chicken wire cages.
I would love any and all thoughts!