Thanks for the response Jeff. I’m guessing this BB is based on Cooper cabin’s willow feeder. I don’t recall seeing any photos of the fan. However, I read there are a bunch of photos of the bathroom construction on one of the former boot’s
thread. It’s just like 60 something pages I gotta sort through to find those photos. Haven’t gotten around to it yet.
As far as I can tell, there aren’t any details given about this fan. I think this BB wiki page hasn’t quite been fleshed out yet. Probably because no one seems to have done it yet. The ‘sweep your floor’ BB has many links and several videos explaining how to sweep the floor, and then this indoor willow feeder BB has nothing.
I’ll look for photos as mentioned above. Maybe if I find photos of the fan construction, this BB wiki can get a little update? I’ve already supplied one link that might be useful.
Should I add this thread to the PEP greywater and willow feeder forum?
Edit: here’s some photos of the build, but I didn’t find the fan anywhere
Nine’s bootcamp experience