Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.
Cujo Liva wrote:I found a free 3D model. Haven't tried it yet, but I'll have a friend try printing one for me:
Is that white spiral standard plastic-wrapped wire or painted copper?
You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.
Cujo Liva wrote:I found a free 3D model. Haven't tried it yet, but I'll have a friend try printing one for me:
Talk to your friend about scaling it up. We have made one that is 14cm across the base.
You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.
You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. -Proverbs 4:7
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
Ron Kulas wrote:Ive been searching my fool head off for ANY info so substance and tests done of an actual scientific bases to let me know if I should take the time to try electroculture and to date I can find no proof its worth the time. I can find lots of youtube stuff that I watched but cant trust after seeing how the "test" or trial was conducted.
Everything in my decades of engineering tells me this will offer no increase in yields or growth but I dont claim to know it all so I continue to search for answers.
I like growin' stuff.
Constancia Wiweru wrote:
Ron Kulas wrote:Ive been searching my fool head off for ANY info so substance and tests done of an actual scientific bases to let me know if I should take the time to try electroculture and to date I can find no proof its worth the time. I can find lots of youtube stuff that I watched but cant trust after seeing how the "test" or trial was conducted.
Everything in my decades of engineering tells me this will offer no increase in yields or growth but I dont claim to know it all so I continue to search for answers.
Well, people thought the Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison and Mr. Lister were wrong . . . maybe these guys are correct. Anecdotal stuff can always be proven scientifically later. I'm gonna try it!
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
Ron Kulas wrote:
Thomas Edison (was my boss) and the founder of the company Ive been working for for 25 years.(General Electric) In engineering, we seek proof. I can find no solid proof thus far. The jury is still out on this one.
My second example is of two bougainvillea landscape plants that were partially killed off by a winter freeze.
They were at roughly the same stage of recovery four months ago when I placed a copper wire electroculture antenna in one of the pots (south side of the plant) to see if the plant would recover faster.
Unfortunately, it did not.
As you can see, the potted plant without an antenna is significantly further along in the recovery process.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Ron Kulas wrote:Ive been searching my fool head off for ANY info so substance and tests done of an actual scientific bases to let me know if I should take the time to try electroculture and to date I can find no proof its worth the time. I can find lots of youtube stuff that I watched but cant trust after seeing how the "test" or trial was conducted.
Everything in my decades of engineering tells me this will offer no increase in yields or growth but I don't claim to know it all so I continue to search for answers.
Cujo Liva wrote:
Ron Kulas wrote:Ive been searching my fool head off for ANY info so substance and tests done of an actual scientific bases to let me know if I should take the time to try electroculture and to date I can find no proof its worth the time. I can find lots of youtube stuff that I watched but cant trust after seeing how the "test" or trial was conducted.
Everything in my decades of engineering tells me this will offer no increase in yields or growth but I don't claim to know it all so I continue to search for answers.
Quite understandable. I am/was equally skeptical. However, based simply on:
claims of effectiveness with images that showed nice results (low trust) major modern proponent that is very woo-woo/non-scientific (Matt @ cultivateelevate) (low trust) lesser known major modern proponent (mostly because of language barriers because he is French) that is far more rigorous (Yannick van Doorne) (moderate trust) proven failures of science where it conflicts with politics and/or the profit motive (cemented during Covid) a desire for a fixed/low cost means to maintain/improve fertility, particularly in the face of potential supply problems performing an N=1 experiment is cheap and easy (bingo!)
So, I decided to run my own test this year ($10) comparing my two garden beds. The results aren't entirely in yet, so I haven't formed a conclusion.
As for the science behind it, I've read a believable theory that the low-level electrical current encourages the plant to pull in more water & nutrients resulting in more growth. I don't have the knowledge/tools to prove it, but even if the explanation of it is wrong, but the result is observably positive, it will be worth expanding my use of electroculture. I'll leave it to others to do the low-level science that would be helpful here. I really do want the proper scientific explanation because that would allow us to properly test, refine and possibly multiply the benefits of this technology.
How do we know that these antennas capture and transmit current from the air? Well, from Richard Feynman (Lectures on Physics):
Please watch the 2 hour van Doorne video above. It is fairly rigorous.
Hope this helps some. I definitely can't say that this technology has been rigorously studied yet, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth pursuing, even on the small scale.
Im an inventor. Its always been that way. That is my curse.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:I am willing to take the woo-woo electroculture challenge if somebody can offer me a credible explanation as to how this could possibly work. I
Perpetual Growth Regenerative Horticulture. Grow in peace.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:I am willing to take the woo-woo electroculture challenge if somebody can offer me a credible explanation as to how this could possibly work. I haven't had much luck in that regard.
Lina Full-time Permie for 2 decades, author of some groovy books, maker of 🔥 Permie vids, TikToks, etc. Author of Growing FREE. Actually three plants in a trench coat.
Building regenerative Christian villages @
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:I am willing to take the woo-woo electroculture challenge if somebody can offer me a credible explanation as to how this could possibly work. I haven't had much luck in that regard.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:It has been 10 months since this thread was started so it would be great if folks would let us know how their electroculture gardening turned out.
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