You can't change where you come from, but you can change where you are headed. -- Stupid people are here for our entertainment. Don't be hatin' on them.. Just roll on...
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
I'm maintaining an email list of Otises so that we can start to send them notices when SKIPpers get to major milestones. I do like to list a few Otises anonymously in this thread, there are more than that in my personal records: List of Otises
If you wouldn't mind sending me a blurb for that list, I'd see about putting it in there.
In general, if you're an Otis, you encouraged to watch the SKIPpers as they complete BBs and badges and see if any catch your eye. Here's a list of ones that have advanced a fair way down their PEP journey: List of Skippers and Peppers
Another way is to watch the Leaderboard.
You could also post publicly that you're looking for a SKIPper. You may get lots of attention from people who aren't particularly qualified. One subtle way is to reply in this thread that your site is available for people to do SKIP work. Locations to do SKIP. A more obvious way announce that you want SKIPpers (and untold others?) to contact you is to make a post in the Skills to Inherit Property forum
For your general reference, here's the starting place for a lot of SKIP information: All about SKIP, PEP, Badges, BBs and more!
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
You, as a potential Otis wrote: I don't see anything about SKIP or Otis on this site.
Slightly annoyed potential Otis wrote:Woah, a lot going on here. Let's see. I don't see no "SKIP" or "Otis" stuff anywhere. Maybe if I scroll a little...
You, as a moderately annoyed potential Otis wrote:maybe it's not here after all.... Ah! There! it is.
You, as a slightly hopeful potential Otis wrote:I don't know what I'm even searching for here... ah there's a thing about 100 Otises!
Somebody, not sure who wrote:This will be the list of Otises and Otessas. Their information will be kept as private as possible so they aren't pestered. This isn't a place to find your Otis and chat them up, it's mainly a place to show the variety of Otises that are out there to inspire the PEPpers/SKIPpers.
Otises can send a posting to me by PM (letter icon at the top right of your screen) or PM me for my email address and they can then send it via email. PMs are rather private but higher level staff people can read them.
You, as a confused Otis wrote:What is this PM posting stuff, and who is even writing this? I don't see a name anywhere. Where is the FAQ section? Ah, maybe here...
For much more information about the SKIP program, Click Here
You, an annoyed potential Otis wrote:My internet ain't fast enough for YouTube unless I go in town. Hmph. Trying to sell me a book? *sigh* Ah. Here we go. "The Story Of Otis"
A crucial aspect of SKIP is the story of Otis. Otis is a fictitious person representing all the hardworking farmers who have no one to care for their farm after them, and wish they had someone responsible to inherit their farm and manage it well. You can read the story of Otis here. Paul has a podcast all about Otis here. If you think you might be an Otis, you can get registered here. If you're wondering about the legal nuts and bolts of being an Otis, we have a thread to discuss them here.
You, no longer interested in being an Otis. wrote:I clicked on that link, and I still don't see anything about registering, or any FAQs, or where to find folks to will my land to. I see other people posted down below that they are Otis. I don't want anyone pestering me, scamming me. It's getting late. Forget it.
Give a man a gun and he'll rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he'll rob everyone. Even tiny ads:
Christian Community Building Regenerative Village Seeking Members