posted 1 year ago
We had a baby boy yesterday, the 29th, at 8:12 in the evening. 7.5 lbs. 21' tall. All are happy and healthy.
That makes my 9th child with the potential to take over the family farm.
We naturally had a home birth, so we can list any date we wish. I would prefer Feb. 28th over March 1st, mainly for astrological and numerology reasons. And because listing the actual date, as determined by the Gregorian calendar, is really quite inaccurate, and could be somewhat confusing in the future. That calendar, that most of the world uses, was established in 1580 by Pope Gregory XIII. It is so "off", a year had to be added every 4 years to make it work. I would rather use any of the several American Indian or pagan calendars that are (more rightly) based on the Moon. ~~I may be out voted on this by much of the rest of my family, Many of whom like the weirdness of the 29th of Feb. (It's not so bad to be 20, when all your lifelong friends have turned 80.)
Creating sustainable life, beauty & food (with lots of kids and fun)