I have way to much fabric. Multiple storage tubs full. I put a rule in place that I can only buy new fabric if it's a dollar or less a yard. Yesterday I bought two 8 yard bolts for 4 bucks a piece. In useful colors. In my defense they wouldn't cut off the bolts.
So the new plan is a quilt a week or at least two yards used. I'm hoping that by posting it'll like hold me accountable or something. Maybe. I'll try and post progress as it happens.
One a week is fast! Good luck, and we expect pictures! What will you do with that many quilts?
Have you seen bargello quilts? Easy to make and the line up isn't as precise. :D
You sew strips together, then cut them across, and sew them back together offset. That's what I'd do if I was mass producing quilts. Once you see how the designs work, it's not complex to make up your own.
Those are amazing, Pearl! Sadly, I have a feeling they're likely way too labor intensive, for 1 per week, though. The fastest I've ever done a quilt was for my cousin's baby shower; a very basic, tied, crib sized quilt, in 2days. With 2 little ones at home, and working 2 part time jobs, I had to do it all at night, instead of sleeping. Ahhh, to have the energy of my 24yr old self, again!!
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
The biggest quilt currently in planning is a oversized twin. I've got 4? Twin-ish sizes, a jacket and 3 trow/baby in progress. They vary from just needs binding to one block. The plan is going to be either a baby size or finish a in progress. My biggest issue is going to be batting. I don't have much of that.
As for what I'm doing with them, I like to keep a couple premade baby size for church/new cousins/family friends. I'm out of those. One in progress and to planings are for Christmas for kids. All of my friends are also either getting married or having a baby.
It was supposed to be a test quilt for a 9 patch and I'm not sure how much I like it. I like the colors aesthetically but not sure how light colors will work for a baby. The yellow batting also changes the blue from sky to sea foam which I like. Most of the blocks lined up good enough. I squared them up before sewing them together that only helped so much. Now I just need to bind it.
I tried for some of those artsy pictures the quilt blogs do but these are my best pictures. One baby quilt complete 3x2. This one might be for my Mama's new cat though.