Thanks to Joe Braxton for the link to an ideal and easy method to test soil for clay. I've been looking at my own soil recently hoping to find a clay layer. Past experiences with sculpting red clay and work with porcelain slips gives me a headstart on identification. But when it comes time to building my outdoor rocket-stove
oven, I want the right mix. What I'm finding looks like crushed granite, kind of sandy... SHARP sand (as I noted in another thread that SHARP SAND is a must for
Cob making.) We also had a couple inches of Mt.St.Helens
ash deposited over all of northeast WA a few years back, so when the soil is dry, I believe that's the dust I see flying around.
Last week, I put several big shovels full of that granite/sand/ash/clay-looking layer in a wheelbarrow, added
water to several inches over the top of the dirt. Shoveled it around to stir and let it sit. Two days later, when I poured off the clear water, I could see the silty clay-like layer on top. I'm hopeful about this being an ideal mix to which I only need add some cut
straw bits. The area I'm digging out is my new
Hugelkultur bed. I'd already pulled all the rich topsoil off the top. Just need to sweep the rest of the organic matter off that Hugel bed and begin scooping out some of my future granite/sand/clay cob mix.