r ranson wrote:The big problem is, I don't feel it should be necessary to pay for this. These skills should be open to anyone who asks.
Because I believe this, I've often offered to teach for free.
But I do require the students to put the effort in to show they care about what they are learning. That's where things go wrong.
I just cannot do it anymore.
It's about becoming like granny.
Carma Nykanen wrote:Hello! R Ransom
For years I have looked for your posts. They impart true experiences and astute knowledge that comes from it.
Now here is my question. May I use much of your knowledge and words from your post about never doing a butcher class again. I am preparing to do a community butcher event where I arrange for a local butcher to come teach a class on our farm, with our sheep.
If you are ok with it, may I say I'm quoting you on the document?
Thirdly may I post it to the thread for others to use if they are able to?
Thanks so very much.
I hope you haven't given up on the teaching.
It's about becoming like granny.
It's about becoming like granny.
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
r ranson wrote:The big problem is, I don't feel it should be necessary to pay for this. These skills should be open to anyone who asks.
Because I believe this, I've often offered to teach for free.
But I do require the students to put the effort in to show they care about what they are learning. That's where things go wrong.
I just cannot do it anymore.
r ranson wrote:This is a reminder to myself more than anything. If I ever teach anyone to dress a carcass again, I must enforce the following:
The cost for my time reflects the amount of stress. For this task, it is a minimum of $50 per hour up to the agreed amount of time (usually 2 hours to learn to dress a sheep or goat). After that, it is $100 per half hour!
For every future bad experience I have in this area, the rates will go up and this list will get longer.
Please note (and this is IMPORTANT) that dressing a carcass does not mean butchering. Dressing involves skinning, cleaning, and cutting into halves or quarters. Butchering is the act of cutting into meal size chunks - this is a whole different lesson and is not done at the same time as dressing. Please do not expect or demand that I include it in the dressing lesson as the time was not scheduled for it.
I no longer lend my edged tools (knives, saws, other kitchen cutting up tools) You are welcome to rent my knife - cost is $100 per knife (it takes a minimum of two hours to repair the damage done to the blade when people borrow my knife so now it costs money to use it) You can buy the same knife off me for $50 You can purchase the same knife from the shop for about $32 ($25 on sale in the House of Knives, and $13 on Amazon) Same rate goes for borrowing my bone saw - rent=$100, buy = $50, buy in the shop = $12 ($4 on sale) You will memorize the mantra: Knife is for Flesh. Saw is for Bone. Hint: I'm encouraging you to buy and bring your own equipment If renting my knife, it will not be placed on the ground at any time. If you must place it down, use the sheath it came with. Place sheath on the belt for easy access. The sheath is washable. No tool will be placed on the ground at any time. This is a tripping hazard and dangerous. You will not hand the knife to others point first. When handing the knife to another person, you turn the knife so that the handle is towards the other person and the edge of the wepon is towards the ground.
you will not bring more people onto the farm than agreed. you will not endanger your children by encouraging them to interact with the livestock if your children are not participating in the lesson, then they can wait in your vehicle with the windows appropriately down. If there is a sign saying "beware of..." there is a very good reason for that sign. If you disregard this sign you put your children's lives in danger. If this continues, there will soon be a Beware of Farmer sign. If you insist on trying to kill your children, please do it somewhere else! This is not a free version of a petting zoo. These are working animals who are trained to defend themselves. You shall not smoke on the farm. This includes but is not limited to e-cigs, regular cigs, cigars, pipes, and those special cigarettes. There is an extreme risk of wildfires and I'm sick of emptying the well to put out grassfires thank you very much! No drugs allowed on the farm Do not bring your dog on the farm without first consulting us - this not for our chicken's protection. This is for your dog's protection. The chickens like the taste of dog. The bigger and more lively the dog, the more our chickens enjoy eating it... if the geese don't get there first. DO NOT expect us to dogsit.
At any time anyone can yell "HOLD!" at which time, EVERYONE freezes and waits for instruction. This does not mean "finish cutting then look around" This means "STOP YOU BLEEPING BLEEPER AND DON'T DO A THING BECAUSE OF SERIOUS INJURY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!" Do not take the piss with the HOLD rule. If I am giving the lesson, I am in charge of this event. These tools are designed to disembowel and carve up an animal roughly your size in under 20 min. One mistake will seriously kill a human in less time than you can say "let me just reach in and grab this for you" You asked me to show you how to do this because I have done it before and you have not. Do not give me the girl treatment - push me to one side - get frustrated because it's 'too hard' - then act shocked when I can do in about 6 seconds what you struggled for 20 min to attempt. I have done this before. Yes, I am a Girl! But I learned from the best and I learned by listening to the teacher. I've done this many times in the past. Dressing a carcass has nothing to do with strength. It only requires two tools: a brain and a sharp knife. One person with a knife at a time on the carcass - the person with the knife is 'in charge' of the carcass and all others will not touch the meat unless otherwise instructed - at which time they will ONLY touch the part as they were instructed and not attempt to anticipate the needs of the knife holder if the gambrel was meant to stay fixed, it wouldn't swing around like that. It hangs loose so that we can move the meat instead of spraining our wrists. Suddenly grabbing hold (without first being asked) and steading the carcass can cause serious strain on the wrist or the knife to slip off course and end up in your wrist. That was a very near miss. You will not keep stopping the lesson for self-e or force your children to come and take pictures with my knife, thus delaying the lesson. It is disrespectful for the life that just ended and the teacher who has already cancelled two important appointments to help you learn this skill.
Most importantly!
You will show respect for the life that just ended. You will treat the farm with respect! This farm is a source of food for many people. Do not trample the food. Just because you see something does not mean it is for sale. Just because it is a farm, does not mean that you can demand to pay less than in a shop. you will treat me with respect. My time is valuable. I am not on vacation even if you are. arriving 45 min late for the lesson does not show respect. expecting me to drop everything I'm doing and give you free lessons without advance warning, does not show respect
This list is an accumulation of several times teaching this skill. It may be that I won't teach it again because after I do, I come away feeling hugely disrespected. I suspect this is because I did not lay down ground rules before we start.
Thinking about this more - the above also applies to butchery (the cutting up of the meat - which is a separate lesson from the dressing of the carcass). I don't think I'll be doing this at home again so the student must provide a kitchen with the minumum counterspace and a pre-determined list of equipment.
"Them that don't know him don't like him and them that do sometimes don't know how to take him, he ain't wrong he's just different and his pride won't let him do the things to make you think he's right" - Ed Bruce (via Waylon and WIllie)
I guess everyone has an angle. Fine, what do you want? Just know that you cannot have this tiny ad:
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