Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
Cath Chirgwin wrote:If you want a long term solution you could look into geothermal heat. A ground source heat pump is a significant up front investment but you'll not be relying on fossil fuels once it's up and running and the ongoing cost is minimal.
Considering how many people in BC died last summer due to the "heat dome", that is a very serious frontier. It wouldn't be a bad idea to start a new thread: "Emergency cooling, no electricity..." or whatever words would describe this sort of problem. In BC during that week, it peaked our electrical system at a new high and I've heard of brown-outs in areas of the States on many occasions. Having a *lot* of water stored and some solar panels large enough to at least run a fan or two would be the low-hanging fruit, but planting trees now to shade areas of your property for future use seems good - start from seeds or cuttings to keep them cheep since you're unsure of how long you'll stay there.I guess if everything went off in the summer, we would just sweat like that is another frontier to navigate! LOL.
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John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
thomas rubino wrote:Hi Pearl;
I think the Big Buddy is the way to go this winter.
Maybe get 2 tanks of propane, a 100 pounder and a smaller 20 pounder.
Run the big tank and if it runs out you have the smaller one to use while you get your large tank refilled.
Next year build an outdoor wood heater just outside the house and start cutting firewood.
Jay Angler wrote:@ Abe Coley and Bruce Fine - you've left out the critical part. If something happens while the "gorilla wood stove" is in use, the insurance company could refuse compensation even if whatever needed compensating had nothing to do with the wood stove. If the OP can afford to self-insure, that may not be an issue.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.
Lorinne Anderson wrote:Being dishonest with your insurer is a waste of an insurance policy - they will look for ANYTHING to disallow a claim.
We rescue and foster dogs, cats and wildlife. A point I made a special trip IN person, and sent an email regarding, with our home insurance. When an electrical fire in the attic (cause unknown but thought to be incorrect installation when home was new, the year before - professionally installed AND inspected by authorities) caused significant damage the first comment from the adjuster was "are these all your dogs?". When I explained that yes, at the moment, but not always as we fostered she shut down and informed us that we "had a problem".
Fostering dogs "raises our risk" and invalidated our policy was her statement. Obviously the dog(s) had NOTHING to do with a fire IN the attic - no matter, this alone was enough to effectively cancel our policy, according to her. When I explained there had been full disclosure, and provided the email and showed where I had insisted the agent write it ON the policy, she still tried to disqualify us, but eventually failed.
I still wonder if this had anything to do with the outrageous delays we experienced - a 2 week repair did not even get started for almost three months and further nonsense stretched the repairs out for a total of NINE MONTHS!
There is absolutely no point in paying for insurance if you do not play 110% by their rules. Full and detailed disclosure, get permissions IN writing. They do not operate on "forgiveness", not even a tiny bit!!!
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.
Lorinne Anderson wrote:D Nikolls: best hope the fire department does not show up before you get that stove "off the property" - they make reports on all fires, reports the insurance Co. are certain to look at.
That of course is assuming they were called due to fire, not storm damage, or matter, the illegal stove or any indication of it's presence would stil hoop you; along with ant stray photo's such as Google Earth that might "show" anything undeclared.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
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