Glenn Herbert wrote: I have a lot of kiln shelves that I don't use. I saw that Peter used pieces of kiln shelf for parts of his Shorty development core. Would kiln shelves of appropriate sizes be okay to use for all the slabs? How much does thickness of slabs affect the function of the core? Obviously the riser box upper top thickness is irrelevant, but do the ports created with these slabs need to be a particular thickness? (The port at the back of the firebox can be made from standard firebrick.) I can easily double up layers of kiln shelf if necessary.
Two questions here, Glenn Herbert, this seems to be a great question concerning products readily available ( excess from potters corners, and all the way up to being available at the pottery shops) I have never tried to cut those things on my diamond saw? Does this work well? I cut granite all the time, with most working well, but some not so good, being very hard. And NO, I am not asking if granite can handle internal heat, it can NOT.
second question, There are 24" x 24" x 1.25" thick
ceramic paving pads, for sale at some of the big box stores, Can these handle the inner workings of our Batch box type stoves? They are actually my bases for any stove I have made, but always with that light layer of
ash to insulate. And the heat to this area is never over 300 degrees I already know that if one area is heated to extreme levels they generally do not do well, (such as a burner pointed at one general area but have never tested in a more slowly raising and even high temp stove. ( even that is sorta miss statement as I can go from NO fire to full fire in 15 minutes or so)
Just thinking out loud without testing having been done. It all seems to take time. Clapping hands as always for Peter V and his work.