Every where you came and left you came in the name of love and left a wake of happiness and tenderness and sweet conflict - sweet conflict.
You don't come round......whispering, everywhere, everywhere....calling, I'm calling your number, calling, calling your number, calling, calling, you're everywhere to me.
Truly community is the greatest asset anyone can have whether they live an urban lifestyle or are more rustically inclined. That is a major thing I don't understand about when I watch certain "prepper" & "survivalist"videos. This concept of being able to outlive calamity by engaging in brute force or superior fire power, it's ridiculous to my way of thinking. Why in the name of the Gods would anyone want to fantasize about such crazy premises. I've read about this distopian existence in fiction and I think it reflects the attitude. Perhaps if they made children study peace instead of war when they review history then the collective society would produce more individuals inclined to work in cooperation instead of competition. My hope is the advent of these web based social mediums will encourage that sort of thinking. Hope for the future!Irene Kightley wrote:
We're a bit like that too Jay, we don't buy much.
Solar panels and wind power for two computers and internet, loads of lights and power in the summer for doing almost anything we want. When it all wears out and we can't buy others, well we'll just talk more by the fire, make more music and sometimes just go to bed early.
We've loads of jars of sterilised food and salted meat plus chickens, pig, sheep goats and a lot of game. Tons of veg. In the winter we keep food outside or in an uninsulated cupboard on a north wall. We've stores of food for the animals which we grow and gather with neighbours. Almost all our food is from our farm and a lot of our clothing and furnishings from our own wool. The materials for all our animal shelters and a lot of our house were found on site.
Fortunately, we have our own wood and use it to heat water, cook and heat the house and we'll solar water heating for the summer and a pocket rocket for cooking plus a couple of bottles of gas. When we can't get that we'll use wood and we can have longer tea breaks.
Our neighbours are great and we work together to get things for each other that we need - that really is a blessing for survival and it's something a lot of people forget when they think about planning their independence.
Every where you came and left you came in the name of love and left a wake of happiness and tenderness and sweet conflict - sweet conflict.
You don't come round......whispering, everywhere, everywhere....calling, I'm calling your number, calling, calling your number, calling, calling, you're everywhere to me.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Dusty Trails wrote:How many power sources do you have .. is your fuel and food stored for the winter .. could you lend a hand to several other families if you had to? What is your water situation if the power goes off?
The coldest winter in a thousand years is predicted for Europe and New Zealand just had a spring blizzard kill lambs by the hundred thousands and all sheep are iced out of their grass lands. The Gulf Stream is a dribble and will not warm Europe because of the US oil spill. What will our Kuroshio Current do?
I have a pallet of pintos sitting in my garage plus my regular routine. Ever feel like your living in a "Mad Magazine?"
Our projects:
in Portugal, sheltered terraces facing eastwards, high water table, uphill original forest of pines, oaks and chestnuts. 2000m2
in Iceland: converted flat lawn, compacted poor soil, cold, windy, humid climate, cold, short summer. 50m2
Bloom where you are planted.
No land yet, but growing what I can with what I have!
I don't always make ads but when I do they're tiny
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