Rufus Laggren wrote:
Since most people don't "have" land and most that do have no intention of parting w/any of it gratis so it appears on the face of it that you're wrong. Who might be giving, what is the source, of this right your mention? And a right is something that must be exercised - it doesn't just fall on you like mana - so how to do that?
but yes it does fall on all of us like mana, the land is here, given to us as a
gift is already given.
and to all of us, not just some, just by birth. by being born here, we belong here and should be allowed the space to be- this i feel strongly is all of our birthright.
regardless of whatever weirdness and illusions others force us into complying with....
not that everyone should be living on easy street, or that humans are entitled to anything they want, no not at all.
but just because someone has no green pieces of paper should not mean they are not allowed a proper space to ground out and be, and just because another has more green pieces of paper doesnt mean that they re then entitled to exploit. there should be no justification or reason for exploitation, by anyone, but this is what happens to the land with all these paradigms and ideologies of exclusive ownership, profiting off some illusion of exclusive ownership of the land.
this is- to me- exploitation.
i suppose this doesnt seem like an illusion to most, but to me it clearly is...regardless of how well supported and enforced this idea is....
and old friend of mine phrased this well -"two
fleas fighting over which one owns the dog!"
this, i think, is somewhat accurate description of our situation !
but truly there are many people who are not acting like
fleas, who are not interested in participating in exploitation, there are many humans who dont want to live in a parasitical relationship to our planet. so perhaps thats not fair to say of all humans, but it is unfortunately too common.
and i wish to hold open the space for those who are acting parasitical to the planet, stuck in consumptive modeling, to be able to grow and change, learning better ways of interrelating to the biosphere. "private property" as it now is, does not help this in several ways, and in general further encourages one to participate in consumptive modeling, disconnection, and to unhealthy power trips and exploitation.
its ok though, that you dont share my perspective, i am quite used to people not getting where i am coming from and disagreeing with me, especially
about this in specific. this presents itself to my mind as a truth, regardless of how i might want it to be or not be, to me this is just the way it really is....regardless of whatever other weirdness that goes on which masquerades as "reality". i know this is not a popular opinion, it seems there arent many who agree with what i am saying here. i still see this as i see it.
it has nothing to do with with taking, and certainly not with force, but that was basically how the land was first stolen FROM ITSELF, and from all of
the beings that live within it. and with force is how it is held in this unhealthy way, in the illusion of ownership, a disconnected possession which allows exploitation to be the normal course of business..
it has instead to do with receiving gratefully what has already been given, and what must be shared. proper boundaries, and every individual's need for sanctuary and for self sovereignty should be respected, but this isn't the same as "private property" and all the problems it creates.
i am not that into capitalism in general, and how it makes the world and its resources to be objectified and abused by these illusions....but when it is
applied to unnecessary things it doesn't bother me as much. when people want to save money, work and give up their time in exchange for
unnecessary things, fancy cars and gadgets, well thats their choice. people who want to play monopoly constantly, who think thats what this game is in life, this disturbs me. but about things that arent needed, it is different. i certainly wouldn't do so, i will stick with my old beater truck and my freegan gadgets that i fix, but it seems ok if that's something someone wants to do.
profit from, and objectifying the land with its resources and inhabitants, as applied to basic essential survival needs- food, land,
water shelter- seems completely wrong in every way to me. and because access to the land is tied into food production, and the huge inequities in access to land affects people's access to the essentials of life, everyone is forced into this very unhealthy form of exploitive relationship to the land, and many (even the owners) are also encouraged to be disconnected to the land. with unequal access to land, there follows unequal access to food, and also the common disconnection that causes a whole lot of other problems.
i think there should be ways for those who dont want anything to do with the silly monopoly game others are playing, to do so, and that those people should still be able to have a bit of dirt under their feet to connect to and take care of, which will support them without having to buy into the monopoly game.
when i am in nature, i am always at home =)
apologies, i am not sure i have answered your questions, though i tried. i get carried away sometimes!
about this, i feel very strongly.