We recently had a
thread where the
permaculture approaches were compared to large scale agriculture... the noise from the "big ag" farmers was that
permaculture works fine on the small scale but there are issues scaling it up. This is hard to argue with as the chief benefit of big ag systems are the massive degree of automation possible, allowing much
land to be managed by a very small number of people. In countries with high labour costs this is a big issue, as it become difficult to make a wage competitively. There was talk about strategies for convincing/converting the big ag people and a shortage of large scale projects was cited as an issue.
Elsewhere I have been educating myself on some of the challenges faced by the very poorest of the subsistence farmers in the developing world... there are still places were communities walk 20km to collect
water for the family, places where all cultivation is done with hand tools because there is no power of any sort, places suffering from desertification and soil loss. These people are intelligent and incredibly motivated - restoring their water cycles transforms their quality of life, cutting soil erosion maintain fertility and literally puts more food on the plate for them and their families.
So down to a question - is
permaculture in the developed world fighting the wrong battle? Big-Ag is financially, culturally and physically tied to existing systems - the motivation for change is not already present in the broad body of farmers, and those who do seek change are risk averse due to the burdens of debt most are faced with. If we want to bring whole scale acceptance of
permaculture techniques shouldn't we be working with the motivated small scale farmers? Those who have land on scales that are suitable for hand cultivation in the first place? Those who are not heavily invested in farming capital so tied to damaging techniques? Those whose next meal literally depends on what is growing in their fields? When we can show that constructive permaculture techniques can bring subsistence farmers up to competitive production we will not only have transformed the quality of life of millions, we will also have a much more powerful case for bringing permaculture into the mainstream of agriculture in the developed world.
Work of existing NGOs
I may be off track here, but the NGOs working in developing countries that I have become aware of tend to be one-trick-ponies... they have a tool that they know how to apply and they fit it to what ever problems they see. In many ways they are going after low hanging fruit - walk in, make a capital investment that makes a big difference, then walk out.
For example I found this charity:
Excellent, which installs sand dams in river beds to store water year round nearer to commnities. To protect these dams from silt (which would fill pore spaces and stop them working) they get the locals to dig deep water diversion ditches on the slopes to protect the dam. From all accounts their dams are incredibly successful, but with a permaculturalist mindset you start seeing ways to improve and develop them.
Vetiver Network coordinates efforts to use vetiver grasses in the control of erosion and run-off in lots of situations. It can be hugely beneficial as a mulch source and for water retention as it increases soil infiltration.
Now with a permaculturalist mindset you can see an immediate synergy between these two technologies - swap vetiver hedges for laboriously hand dug trenches and you have a big labour saver up front, along with an added yield year on year from the mulch/fodder. Likewise you can start tree planting programs along river banks with year round
underground water storage, bringing fresh fruit to diets and shading the river bed surface.
A stone in the rut
It is quite easy to see why these organisations do well - it is easy to fundraise for something like a dam installation. The message is clear an uncomplicated, there is a well defined goal and the end result is nicely photogenic. But the question is, as these communities drag them selves out of absolute poverty what is their forward trajectory like? Are they on a path towards conventional agriculture? When they have some "spare" cash will they start buying chemical fertilisers and tractors, or will they build on what they have towards a more desirable permaculture based agricultural system?
If these intervention improve crop yields, bring water security and improve standards of living but don't shift the paradigm from conventional ag to permaculture we are missing the long term possible benefits of a huge population actively working with earth care systems in mind.
How do we go about bringing not just a few tricks and pieces of infrastructure, but a mind-set and ethos to these communities to set them on the best path possible?