Hello Marie! Welcome to permies!
I am sorry to hear that you feel the way you do right now, and I can relate. I'm in high school, and I have pretty big ideas on what I want to do as I get older. It is frustrating to be trapped in a location and time where you can't do what you want to do. It is definitely saddening at times, I agree. I handle it by volunteering as much as I can in my spare time. I'm a great listener, and I love hearing other people's stories. That is one of my favorite things about volunteering- hearing stories. Essentially, it is living off of the happiness of others.
My life is pretty uneventful, buried in my textbooks and studies, but I am hoping to start doing active research as soon as possible in college! I like experiments and projects, but I don't get to do a lot of them because my parents don't want me making a mess in the house and we don't live quite close
enough to a college campus to make it convenient.
I plan to major in either Biochemistry or Environmental Engineering or somehow mix the two together. And the stress of deciding where I am going- already accepted to many places- is a little much for me. I am still waiting on a few universities to send out the final stuff, like admissions to honors colleges and other programs before making my final decision. Yeah, I will be cutting it close but I need to know everything from everyone I applied to before I can make the best choice.
In the
Guide to Getting Help on Permaculture Projects thread, I have listed a bunch of resources to help with learning
permaculture and creating a design.