Idle dreamer
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
"Spiritual: of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things." (Google definition)
Idle dreamer
In the modern day world view, is it possible to separate spirit and spirituality from religious worldviews?
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
Idle dreamer
Though I no longer believe in Christianity as the truth, the ideas are still important to my way of thinking about things.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
r ranson wrote:By modern day standards, can things be spiritual?
Can actions be spiritual in today's world?
How about something that doesn't exist until actualized (like a design science)? Can it be spiritual, or does the spirit enter into it with the actions and intentions of the people who use these tools?
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r ranson wrote:Someone recently said that Permaculture isn't spiritual. Unwisely, it was said outside the Cider Press, so it is gone now. But it got me thinking. How can a thing be spiritual?
People are spiritual.
People's experiences are spiritual.
Places and things can help trigger a spiritual experience. But I can't see how the objects in themselves are spiritual.
People call Permaculture a 'design science'. I see that and I see it as a modern phrase meaning 'tool box'. The tools in this box are abstract - they don't exist until someone takes them out and uses them. The first and most important of these tools is observation. Is the act of observation spiritual or not spiritual? Well, the answer seems to me to be yes. Yes, it is. It is both. It is neither. Without an observer, there is no observation, which brings us back to personal experience. The spirituality of the act depends on the experience in the person doing the observing.
This is how I see it, but my view is tainted by academia as this is one of my areas of study. In university, I focused on what it meant throughout history and don't fully understand what it means today. So I'm curious and I say what I say here with the goal of seeking understanding.
The challenge with 'spirituality' is that the meaning of this word varies drastically across cultures and times. Today it is used in a very subjective and individualistic way to describe everything from religion to moments of pure enlightenment, and a great deal in between.
By modern day standards, can things be spiritual?
Can actions be spiritual in today's world?
How about something that doesn't exist until actualized (like a design science)? Can it be spiritual, or does the spirit enter into it with the actions and intentions of the people who use these tools?
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Praying my way through the day
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