Hi, Darius, welcome to Permies!
If your website is marketing a product or service of
permaculture or related interest, you're welcome to make a
thread about it in the Blatant Advertising forum:
Be sure to tell folks what they'll find there, it encourages people to click when you don't leave them guessing where they are going and why.
If your website isn't commercial -- we have a lot of people here who run a blog about their farms for instance -- you would be welcome to post about it (and share your link) in whatever forum seems most likely to be interested in it. For instance if you are an
apple grower and your site is about that you might put it in
apple trees.
Hope this helps!
Edited to add: I just looked at your profile, which I
should have done before flapping my fingertips. It would be fine to make a post in our
ecovillage forum about your ecovillage plan, and your link would be welcome as part of that post.