"The highest function of ecology is the understanding of consequences."
"Cultivate gratitude; hand out seed packets"
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:Why are there so few profitable small farms of any type?
Why are permaculture farms held to standards of profitability which don't apply to all other kinds of small farms?
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Mike Jay wrote:
Tyler Ludens wrote:Why are there so few profitable small farms of any type?
Why are permaculture farms held to standards of profitability which don't apply to all other kinds of small farms?
Excellent point Tyler!!! If "conventional" farms with their subsidies, efficiencies of scale, technology, chemicals and government support are barely getting by, why are we so disappointed when un-subsidized small permaculture farms sometimes also fail to be profitable as stand alone businesses?
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
When TPTB take away a persons LEGAL ability to produce for themselves, then I will be a criminal and you will get to support me
Mr Perkins there seems to provide several feasible answers in his video, I think.
The larger issues are probably the same as the issues that plague every new organization. Most permaculture farms probably fail because most new businesses fail. A perfectly workable solution for a given landscape might fall on its face in the marketplace; a perfectly workable plan may work in the orchard and at the market, but require more (good) help than someone can find; Maybe everything adds up, but the person comes to find out they're not cut out for self-motivated manual labor, or extreme attention to accounting; maybe everything adds up AND the person is a great worker, but doesn't know how to manage people and things inevitably break down; maybe it's all sunshine and rainbows, until the marriage ends and the property gets vivisected. There are plenty of known threats to the viability of a young farm, and while Permaculture can help provide the tools to overcome many of those challenges, it's a little unreasonable to expect Permaculture to immediately and drastically fix everything.
Yeah, but is it art? What do you think tiny ad?
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