Welcome Jerry! Well here's a "recipe" I just made for dinner--I grabbed some of the sorrel from my front garden, a couple of mint leaves for flavor, several violet leaves, and made a salad (dressing was vinegar, olive oil, a tad of yellow mustard, and a crushed garlic thrown into it). Do you have a
yard? are there any broad-leafed plants growing in it (aka weeds?) many of them are edible, and you might start with violets if you live in a part of hte world where they grow. They are pretty distinct and you aren't likely to confuse them with another plant that would give you indigestion. Dandelion greens are also popular in salads, though more bitter than some folks like (i like them fine).
Whereabouts are you living? what sort of yard do you have if any? if you have one, do you know if it has ever been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides?