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"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
joe pacelli wrote:
Keep up the great work on this project. Been monitoring! Where did you get the korean pine nut seeds from?
K.B. wrote:
Very interesting thread, I'm sorry I had missed it up until now. Thank you for posting the info and pictures.
Any updates you can give as time goes on will be greatly appreciated.
I've been working on inoculating cut logs and stumps with plugs colonized with mycelium from the culinary and medicinal species available from Fungi Perfecti. Have to wait until spring at least to see how they survive.
I am also inclined to find ways to encourage the growth of these (and other such as you mentioned) species to "naturalize" in our fledgling food forest and surrounding woods.
The plug/cut log method has been used for many years and is likely to be reliable in our area, but i'd like to find a way to work with inoculating whole logs that then become the foundation of hugelkultur beds.
My initial thoughts are to grow out the mycelium in pre-soaked straw bales and use this to cover logs that have been dropped and placed on contour where the new hugelkultur bed is desired. With a thick straw covering in spring or fall, it should be easy to maintain good growing conditions for the mycelium. Additional topsoil and the plant layers of the food forest could be planted around these log swales.
I'll try it this spring.
One other thought is that most soil organisms, both fungi and bacteria, co-exist in diverse community environments (many thousands of species per square meter in healthy soil). I'm not sure your wash with hydrogen peroxide would be necessary for colonization.
"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
SE, MI, Zone 5b "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
~Thomas Edison
pv agroforest wrote:A few updates on the project..
First my current favourite mushroom and likely the most unlikely to reach fruition... Matsutake (Pine Mushroom)!! Huge amounts of work has been done in asia to try to cultivate these with no success that I am aware of. As the name implies they generally occur on pines but seem to have complex requirements to fruit, multiple tree species and/or interrelations with other fungi. Either way I love to eat them so nothing to lose, lots to gain if something comes of it.
matsutake by pv_agroforest, on Flickr
For this round I took some sterile planting mix innoculated with Matsutake spore slurry and planted bunch of Korean Pine Nut seeds in it. Idea being that there will be no other mycorrhizals to compete initially, I actually figured these would not sprout until spring but noticed this first one today:
pinenut by pv_agroforest, on Flickr
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