Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
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"...specialization is for insects." - Lazarus Long
Universal Introduction to Permies
How works
"Rules without reason create rebellion"
The Mad Farmer "Put the Pitchfork Back"... visit us at
The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Daron Williams wrote:Even here on the westside of Washington I think I could get some use out of the solar dehydrator. Though not in September or October. So a bit limited in its use but still useful for preserving some of the big harvests during July and August.
How do they get the deer to cross at the signs? Or to read this tiny ad?
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies