Tatiana Trunilina wrote:MC Word is probably best for this. They do have calendars in templates, but you can also delete stuff easily like extra days and trim months down to 28 days. How would you name the months though?
Mark Kissinger wrote:Even if it is messy, Excel (or some sort of database engine) will be needed to make the calendar perpetual and to add events and appointments. You'll still need a routine for adding an extra day every 4 years. Then you'll need a program to put the data into a calendar format for display.
Philippe Elskens wrote:
Mark Kissinger wrote:Even if it is messy, Excel (or some sort of database engine) will be needed to make the calendar perpetual and to add events and appointments. You'll still need a routine for adding an extra day every 4 years. Then you'll need a program to put the data into a calendar format for display.
Any suggestions for a program I could use for displaying from an Excel database?
Bee Putnam
Philippe Elskens wrote:
Tatiana Trunilina wrote:MC Word is probably best for this. They do have calendars in templates, but you can also delete stuff easily like extra days and trim months down to 28 days. How would you name the months though?
What's MC Word? When I google it I get 'Microsoft Word' and 'Mac Word'...
Not sure yet about the names of the months. Couple of possiblities:
-number from 0-12 (=Human calendar)
-number from 1-13
-January -> June - Sol - July -> December (=International fixed calendar)
-Archimedes, Brahe, Copernicus, Darwin, Einstein, Faraday, Galileo, Hippocrates, Imhotep, Jung, Kepler, Lavoisier, and Mendel (=Tranquility calendar)
Mark Kissinger wrote:Always looking for good templates for stuff like this. Please, post the Exel File. You can export it and post as an 'authored' template. ;)
Sometimes a map of all the trails that don’t lead to your destination is as useful as finding the one that does.
EBo --
Master Gardener (Prince George's County, MD, USA)
Pioneer Priestess Dre
True Sidereal Astrology Rooted in the Stars
Julie Anne wrote:To add more "evidence" that this is the way to go. I haven't checked my own turtle yet. I might later.
Education: "the ardent search for truth and its unselfish transmission to youth and to all those learning to think rigorously, so as to act rightly and to serve humanity better." - John Paul II
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Melissa Bracy wrote:This string made me laugh.
It's a perfectly great idea, as logical ideas go. Completely the opposite of what I was compelled to do when moving off-grid though, which was throw away all my calendars and clocks. I just kept a journal of weather and blooms and bug populations (etc) to track the yearly cycle.
The interesting bit - which would be the same for the 13 month format - was syncing up with other people.
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
This tiny ad has a self esteem problem. Too much self esteem.
Willow Feeder movie