Matthew Coop

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since Jun 03, 2023
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
Just a creative family guy trying to get through this thing we call life. Former Scout leader and scout, jack of all trades and master of none lol. I have done just about every type of labor job out there from construction to industrial assembly line to office work (eewww yeah I know inside stuff). Looking to learn and explore. One day we hope to have a place we can call home but until then we are traveling the country 13wks at a time trying to find the ideal homestead area.
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Trinity, TX
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Recent posts by Matthew Coop

I have tried searching and um coming up empty or confused. for the BBs do they have to be done in order? for instance im building a cabin. I have installed all the wire and plumbing myself but those are wood badge level BBs. can I submit bits for different levels or does it have to go from the sand level and work up? Its not just for those two but all the BBs im wondering about.
9 months ago
Hello everyone, my name is Matthew and my wife and I have been living on the road with our two kids homeschooling them and working as a travel nurse. We have gotten a bit burnt out of that and decided to try to make a go of it on a little 140'x100' lot of land I have started building a cabin on the land while we still live in our RV. hopefully once the cabin is done we can sell the RV and claim back some of our land. I have seen others doing this journal and figured it would be a great way for me to keep track too.


natural building
woodland care

round wood woodworking
dimensional lumber woodworking
tool care
Food Prep and Preservation





animal care

electricity (including solar)

community living

commerce (be able to do business)

greywater and willow feeders

plumbing and hot water


natural medicine

9 months ago
as im starting my journey here I am struggling with a few things. the sun chokes are a no go for us. we tried them but the taste and texture is just something we are not into. does it have to be sunchokes? can it be just regular potatoes or any other veggie? Does everything have to be done on the list under each badge to get it? we do not have a rocket oven, we live in south Texas where about ¾ of the year we are under a burn ban. is there an option for this or do we just build one and do it winter only?
Did not have gutters to start to clean and or repair but I guess improve would be installing them on the cabin were building?
1 year ago