instruction, regulation, insurance, safety, etc
There are no specific tasks for these badges. This badge is for unpredictable projects or creative solutions that aren't covered by existing BBs. Maybe you're building a tiny home. Maybe the mailbox needs to be re-installed. Maybe a conventional floor needs a small mend. Maybe a conventional window is broken, or a chair needs to be repaired. These solutions might involve paint, glue, tape, cement or other materials typically frowned on.
Any projects that are in the Food Prep and Preservation or
Gardening realm do not count here in Oddball.
Points rewarded are based on a number of factors. Regardless of how long it took you to do the task, the math starts with:
The "Pro Factor": This is the number of hours it would take an expert to accomplish the task, with all the tools and materials in hand, and a bit of luck. It is expected that the person submitting a
BB for scoring might have put 3 hours in and the evaluator will say that an expert would have completed that task in 15 minutes, therefore 0.25 points. From there the score is further adjusted by:
"Piano Factor": This is an adjustment based upon how useful the
project is to Otis. 1000 hours of piano construction is worth less to Otis than 1000 hours spent building a barn.
"PEX Factor": This is an adjustment based on how closely the project aligns to X's
permaculture values. For PE
P it's Paul's values. Projects could be awarded extra points if they're particularly elegant solutions using
permaculture principles. Generally though it's a way to discourage use of man made materials and toxic gick.
The Failed/Almost BB Factor: This is an adjustment based on if the project is shy of an already existing BB. In these cases the score will be significantly reduced, typically 1/2 point will be awarded. We strongly encourage people to complete BBs properly.
As you progress through the levels of Oddball, the scoring shifts to put more emphasis on the PEX factor. So a good Otis-worthy project using conventional paint and caulk that takes you 16 hours may be awarded 4 points if you're at the Sand level, 2 points in
Straw, 1 point in
Wood or 1/2 point in Iron (this is just an example, not a formula)
Bonus! Any valid task that has a photo put up on permies for evaluation, that an expert would have spent at least 7 minutes accomplishing, and that passes the the PEX factor, will earn a minimum of a half point. Awarded points will be rounded up to the nearest half point. So for a task that the evaluator would award 45 minutes, rather than granting 0.75 points, the evaluator will grant 1 point.
Note: If your submission will take a while, don't post partial chunks over time in this
thread. Start a thread elsewhere on the forums to document the project and then post a summary here.
sand badge
The sand badge is granted for a score of 5.
This badge is designed to be more challenging to acquire than any other sand badge.
straw badge
The straw badge is granted for a total score of 40 (including points from the sand badge).
This badge is designed to be more challenging to acquire than any other straw badge.
wood badge
The wood badge is granted for a total score of 220 (including points from the sand and straw badges).
This badge is designed to be more challenging to acquire than any other wood badge.
iron badge
The iron badge is granted for a total score of 1250 (including points from the sand, straw and wood badges).
This badge is designed to be more challenging to acquire than any other iron badge.