sell your permaculture labor for at least $100
perform some sort of labor over the internet and get paid at least $100
London-based designer Oscar Lhermitte came up with the idea for Quickstarter. He’s no stranger to big projects (like the time he literally promised people the Moon). But he also loves doing small ones “that are inherently beautiful because they are simple and manageable.”
Oscar created some rules for Quickstarter (which you can follow or adapt to meet your needs). Read them below, then start thinking about what you’d like to create. But don’t think too long—make it quick!
Rule #1
Plan it in three months or less.
Rule #2
Keep the campaign under 20 days.
Rule #3
The funding goal should be under $1,000.
Rule #4
Offer rewards under $50.
Rule #5
Shoot the video in one day.
Rule #6
No PR or media outreach (unless contacted).
Rule #7
No paid ads on social media.
Rule #8
No stretch goals.
Rule #9
Include "Quickstarter" in your campaign name
r ranson wrote:
How would I prove that I taught someone how to sort, wash and card wool using non-chemical means?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
r ranson wrote:
sell your permaculture labor for at least $100
What does permaculture labour look like?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
perform some sort of labor over the internet and get paid at least $100
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
r ranson wrote:
How would I prove that I taught someone how to sort, wash and card wool using non-chemical means?
Screenshot of the course + pic of the students.
Show pics of the site where you might be working. Show pics of you working. Show a pic of the check or getting handed cash or whatever.
As for what qualifies as permaculture work - I suppose that would need to be in the description of the BB post. My guess that most of it will be something involving a shovel or sweat or chop-n-drop or something.
I hope that the thread for the BB fills with dozens of examples.
r ranson wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:
r ranson wrote:
How would I prove that I taught someone how to sort, wash and card wool using non-chemical means?
Screenshot of the course + pic of the students.
I have the lesson plan/handout from the course and pictures of the activities. No pictures of people.
drat, so I can't use that. Need to brainstorm something I can do.
Show pics of the site where you might be working. Show pics of you working. Show a pic of the check or getting handed cash or whatever.
As for what qualifies as permaculture work - I suppose that would need to be in the description of the BB post. My guess that most of it will be something involving a shovel or sweat or chop-n-drop or something.
I hope that the thread for the BB fills with dozens of examples.
You're thinking of outside, physical work is 'permauclture work'?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
r ranson wrote:Here's something else I did. I participated in a talk about growing flax sustainably at one of the local guilds
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
r ranson wrote:Here's something else I did. I participated in a talk about growing flax sustainably at one of the local guilds
Did you get paid?
r ranson wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:
r ranson wrote:Here's something else I did. I participated in a talk about growing flax sustainably at one of the local guilds
Did you get paid?
yep. But in Canadian
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Rather than create a run-down of amounts in every known currency, I think I'm gonna stick to USD.
perform some sort of labor over the internet and get paid at least $100
r ranson wrote:
perform some sort of labor over the internet and get paid at least $100
Another question: Can this be a combination of things to make a total of $100? Maybe one person paid $25, another person paid $80 for different tasks?
A thought about trade: I wrote some articles for a magazine which were published in print and online - but I got paid in goods instead of cash. I think it would be easier if this BB was just monies.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:Commerce - “permaculture labour” does that include selling value added products? I’m thinking fruit into jams to sell, or selling cuttings and plants...
It seems oldly specific if “permaculture labour” amounts to either teaching courses, or designing for others.
Permies get accused from time to time of being like a pyramid scheme. Do a PDC, then make money running PDCs for others... this seems to be feeding that.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Nicole Alderman wrote:Did you bring in any kickback funds for the kickstarter? I'm thinking that might count as "online work"?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Nicole Alderman wrote:Not from her kickstarter, but from sharing a kickback link for your kickstarter. By sharing the link and someone buys through it, the person who shared it is, in effect, getting paid by you for the work of spreading your kickstarter. At least, that's what I'm thinking. The person sharing your link is doing you a service, right, by brining in money for the kickstarter?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Permies get accused from time to time of being like a pyramid scheme. Do a PDC, then make money running PDCs for others... this seems to be feeding that.
The dumbfucks that say "pyramid scheme" are referring to all universities, colleges, schools and PDCs. They appear to think that paying to learn anything so that you might get paid to teach that thing is a pyramid scheme. I'm glad that they do this, so it becomes immediately clear that they are dumbfucks and, therefore, can be thoroughly ignored.
paul wheaton wrote:
Nicole Alderman wrote:Did you bring in any kickback funds for the kickstarter? I'm thinking that might count as "online work"?
That would be "goods". And she has already counted it as residual income (i think).
"perform some sort of labor over the internet" would be a service.
So ... I'm going to say "yes." The kickstarter kickback stuff, or any one time affiliate stuff counts.
r ranson wrote:Which BB for earning money with photography? Something like Shutterstock?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Ash Jackson wrote:Is there a BB thread for the internet-money and I'm just missing it?
If it doesn't exist, is that something I can jump in and make? (I can follow the template from the other bb threads pretty easily, I think).
Ash Jackson wrote:Would some kind of bookkeeping be an appropriate straw-level BB?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Ash Jackson wrote:Would some kind of bookkeeping be an appropriate straw-level BB?
What would be the pictures?
paul wheaton wrote:I think that the latter badges are going to be powerfully focused on more of the same.
I think one of the primary things I want from the commerce badges is to assure Otis that this person isn't gonna lose the farm. They can make farm income when needed, and internet income, and will probably arrive with an income stream (passive) so that they could work for years without needing cash flow.
I have gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, keep me here with this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies