Dave Burton wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the wood badge in Gardening.
This BB is all about direct seeding perennials.
To meet the requirements of this BB you need to plant at least 50 of each of the following and verify that at least 12 of them have sprouted:
- apple
- plum
- peach
- cherry
- apricot
- pear
- mulberry
- seaberry
- walnut
- hazelnut
Here is a thread all about growing fruit trees from seed. Plus, here is a video to help you get started:
Here are some potentially useful threads:
- Fruit Trees and Berries that Grow Best in Your Area Naturally
- Tomato Transplant vs Direct Seed
- Perennial Plants
- Fruit Tree Guilds
- Vegetable Polycultures
- Fall is an Awesome Time to Plant Perennials
- The Power of Polyculture
- Modularizing Polyculture
In addition, all the perennials you start from seed must be grown outside and they can't be transplanted. While the wood badge for gardening requires all inputs be from within 500 feet the exception is for seeds. So go a head and find those amazing perennials that will boost your homestead!
Also, remember that to meet the requirements of the wood badge for gardening all systems are polyculture systems.
Tip: When working on this BB think about the other requirements for the wood badge for gardening and see if you can meet multiple requirements at once. You need to grow, harvest and preserve 1,000,000 calories from at least 30 species. So while direct seeding your perennials picking ones that either support your food crops or ones that are food crops themselves is a great way to move forward towards your straw badge for gardening.
How to Certify That Your BB is Completed
- Post a picture showing your 50 seeds for each of the following: apple, plum, peach, cherry, apricot, pear, mulberry, seaberry, walnut, hazelnut.
- post three action pics of the seeds being planted
- Post a picture showing at least twelve trees. They must be clearly identifiable.
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See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie
Mike Haasl wrote:It might be going well in a lot of places. Since it's a BB, anyone who wants to can attempt to do it themselves and post about it here. If you meet the requirements, you'll get certified for completing it (Yay). If you do the right BBs, you get Badges. This one is part of the Gardening badge. So give it a shot if you want!
Dave Burton wrote:
How to Certify That Your BB is Completed
- Post a picture showing your 50 seeds for each of the following: apple, plum, peach, cherry, apricot, pear, mulberry, seaberry, walnut, hazelnut.
- post three action pics of the seeds being planted
- Post a picture showing at least twelve trees. They must be clearly identifiable.
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
See me in a movie building a massive wood staircase:Low Tech Lab Movie