"Save Our Bees - Your Guide To Creating A Bee Friendly Environment" is a guide to show you what you can do to save our dwindling bee population. Over 70% of our food crops are pollinated by bees; a species that is dying out at a frightening rate. Scientists have expressed their concern that if something is not done soon to stop these pollinating insects disappearing, we will face serious, irreparable problems with the world's food supply.
Bees are an amazing species of insect; there are over 25,000 different types of bee on the planet, with over 4,000 in the USA and around 250 in the United Kingdom. Honey bees are probably the most important species of bee as it is estimated that 80% of the food eaten by an American has been pollinated by a honey bee! These 'busy bees' work tirelessly to pollinate our food yet they are losing their habitat and their natural environment as our monoculture farming expands.
As you read "Save Our Bees", you will discover:
Exactly how the bees are so important and why it is vital we help them
Why bees are generally completely harmless and misunderstood and feared by many people
The different types of bee, both social and solitary
How to provide bees with natural sources of food throughout the year
Why early season flowers are so vital for bees and ones you can grow to provide them with food
Which plants you must avoid growing as they are toxic to bees
The truth behind the myth of feeding bees sugar water and how it can threaten their survival
Why pesticides are so dangerous to bees and some natural, bee safe alternatives to use around your home and garden
How to reduce your need for chemicals through environmentally friendly companion planting
What city dwellers can do to help bees and a surprising fact about urban bees that few people know
Exactly what you need to keep bees at home if you want to become a beekeeper
Information and resources on creating a bee friendly neighborhood
This in-depth guide has been written to give you all the information you need to start saving our bees. It is something anyone can do no matter how big or small your garden is, or even if you do not have a garden! Bees are an amazing species of insect and you can help them now.
Format: PDF
No. of pages: 97
About the Author
Jason is passionate about gardening, having grown his own produce for over twenty years. He started with a second hand greenhouse, an 8’ by 6’ patch of his mother’s garden and far too many tomato plants. After turning the greenhouse into a tomato farm, he was hooked at the taste of the first ripe tomato.
Since then he was worked his way through various allotments and gardens, growing everything from radishes to carrots to giant pumpkins. He discovered he loved gardening and loved eating what he grew even more. Soon he had graduated to four freezers and two refrigerators to store everything that he made with the produce that came off the allotment.
He shares this knowledge in his gardening books, hoping to inspire people to take up gardening themselves and successfully grow their own delicious fresh fruit and vegetables.
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