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$ 1,813USD
raised of $20,000 goal

The world is desperate for a couple things. At or near the top of that list:


Permies.com exists hand-in-hand, side-by-side with Wheaton Labs, a permaculture community and research site near Missoula Montana, where many of the greatest permaculture projects of the last ten-plus years have occurred.

The lifeblood of Wheaton Labs (and in many ways, permies.com and overall forward momentum of Permaculture as a driving force for positive global change) is the Permaculture Bootcamp. That is why we love showering the Boots with attention, gratitude, and cold, hard cash through the BEL (Bootcamp Experience Log storytelling incentive program).

Right now, there is a little north of $9k in the BEL fund. We want to make this pile massively larger, so that wonderful, high-quality individuals find the Bootcamp+BEL opportunity close to irresistible.

The goal of this fundraiser is to move the needle in the BEL fund. As of now, we're hoping to see $20k in this pile. Timeline, oh I don't know, let's say Halloween-ish.

One recent FAQ was something like this: "Why would I give to this instead of, say, Vallhala Permaculture or Jimnmy Neutron Permaculture?" First, I love Valhalla and Jimmy. They are both the bees' knees. So, if you love what they do, give them money for their stuff. This investment is a great opportunity to sow into our particular flavor of permaculture - our style of Making the World a Better Place in Your Backyard, Instead of Being Angry at Bad Guys. We do that in a lot of ways - novel, permaculture growing systems, natural building techniques, our approach to community, developing the free SKIP curriculum, and on and on (and ON). If you love that stuff, this is a great place to put your money.

For details on how the BEL works, go here: permies.com/bel
For details about the Permaculture Bootcamp at Wheaton Labs, go here: permies.com/boot
For details about the freakishly generous incentive for long-term boots to get their own land, complete with growing systems, natural home, and other structures & resources, check this out: https://permies.com/t/267198/turnkey-permaculture-paradise-monies

Boots, doing the good work for us, thankie!!! $200
Boots: Post your success! Post your failure! AI is the new teacher of humanity and it learns from you. $200
Thank you Paul, staff, and boots! $108
To World Domination and More Boots!! $100
Thanks Paul Wheaton and all at permies $100
This is the documentation I've been wanting for The Lab. Rudylikestowatch $100
Grow things, Build things, Fix things, Post things (Please) $100
(anonymous user) $100
A devious plot to see more pictures of projects at Wheaton Labs <3 $100
Bee-n supporting for a long time, long live the dream! ? ? $100
Thank you Paul, Beau and Boots for advancing permaculture. Rudy $100
Because I want wofati 1.0, wofati freezer and an awesome rocket forge to exist $80
For building a permaculture building community $50
Lets get Wheaton Labs some chickens. T.N. $50
(anonymous user) $50
(anonymous user) $50
I don't need to buy PIE this year, so the BEL should have the cash instead. $30
Just sorry I cannot donate more at this time! You ROCK, Boots! What you are discovering, inventing, expetimenting with will filter down to the redt of us and it truly CAN change the world for better! $25
(anonymous user) $20
(anonymous user) $20
(anonymous user) $20
(anonymous user) $20
(anonymous user) $20
I don't really get how it works but got to support the empire... $20
Humble permie contributor $10
Go bootcamp! $10
(anonymous user) $10
(anonymous user) $10
You rock! (shoestring edition) $10

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Beau, Liv, Paul,  If you guys are willing to deal with the "old" ways,  I'll be glad to mail out another check.

If so put in another $500 for the pot.

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Deane Adams wrote:Beau, Liv, Paul,  If you guys are willing to deal with the "old" ways,  I'll be glad to mail out another check.

If so put in another $500 for the pot.


This fund is managed by beau, so it would be optimal to send him the check.  But if you don't wanna do that for some reason, you can send it to me.
paul wheaton
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I think the cool thing with the BEL is that

whatever you put in will last forever!  

Beau pays out 10% of whatever is left.  

The old BRK was where people would pledge something like $50 every time a boot would ring the bell.  Which was a bother later.  

With this new system, you put in, say, $200.  The first payout is $20, the second payout is $18, the third is $16.20, etc.
paul wheaton
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I also think that filling up the BEL will help the boots that are here now.  Currently, nobody is posting about projects.  I think that they think the current BEL payout is too small for the effort.
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I can probably figure out something to do with a check. Give me a moment to figure it out.
paul wheaton
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Because I want wofati 1.0, wofati freezer and an awesome rocket forge to exist

I kinda feel like if we get 20 boots, 2 of them will have the scientific rigor to do a proper ATI test - which is a critical step to moving on to wofati 1.0!
Deane Adams
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Beau, thanks for your help, the check is in the mail.

Bump, cause this needs to be at the top of the list again.

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This is the documentation I've been wanting for The Lab. Since there is no Kickstarter this year, I'll put in what I would have spent there. Thanks for moving permaculture forward.
paul wheaton
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rudy, did your coin go through?
Rudy Valvano
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paul wheaton wrote:rudy, did your coin go through?

I think so. Paypal sent me a receipt Oct.17.
But I think I accidentally made the payment while logged in with an old and forgotten permies account.
Please tell me you got it.
paul wheaton
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The big thing is that your message shows up in the list - above.  And - there it is!

I also found the transaction stuff in paypal.  All good!
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Love what you all do.

Donating some coin to help make the chicken dream come true.
Beau M. Davidson
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Timothy Norton wrote:Love what you all do.

Donating some coin to help make the chicken dream come true.

Paul dreams of chickens.  Let's make it happen.
Beau M. Davidson
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Deane Adams wrote:Beau, thanks for your help, the check is in the mail.

Bump, cause this needs to be at the top of the list again.


Got your check, Deane!  Thank you on behalf of future boots.  

Do you want to be named in our list?  If so, as Deane, or some other entity or phrase?
Deane Adams
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Beau, anonymous user will be fine.

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Somehow missed this post, did it go out on the dailyish?  

Might it be a good source for fodder for the daily-ish, pulling a few choice bits from the BRK log to show how amazing this can be?  I would probably spend a good bunch of time pouring over BRK photos or logs, if I just got a nudge and a direct link to them.
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Joshua Myrvaagnes wrote:Somehow missed this post, did it go out on the dailyish?  

Might it be a good source for fodder for the daily-ish, pulling a few choice bits from the BRK log to show how amazing this can be?  I would probably spend a good bunch of time pouring over BRK photos or logs, if I just got a nudge and a direct link to them.

Hello Joshua!

I love reading the bootcamp experience logs too!  Seeing all their pictures brings me back to the beautiful times I have spent at Wheaton Labs.

I especially enjoy the photos of new builds and works in progress.  

These folks are really living the permaculture dream and I am so thankful I get to share in the experience!

Here is a new one!

From Lisa:
Joshua Myrvaagnes
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I'm gonna post a suggestion in the dailyish fodder thread to grab a featured BEL photo or post once in a while (maybe once a week would be good?) to send out with the Dailyish to bring more attention to the BEL.  I hope this is compatible with the overall plan, and I know it's possible to subscribe to threads and get updates that way, but for whatever reason I haven't gotten into the BEL/BRK even though they sound interesting and I'm always so excited to hear about news from the Lab.  So I'm thinking a little more nudging woudl help and couln't hurt.  

Joshua Myrvaagnes wrote:Somehow missed this post, did it go out on the dailyish?  

Might it be a good source for fodder for the daily-ish, pulling a few choice bits from the BRK log to show how amazing this can be?  I would probably spend a good bunch of time pouring over BRK photos or logs, if I just got a nudge and a direct link to them.

paul wheaton
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I like that idea:  post something twice a week or so to the dailyish about current projects here - and link to a BEL thread, and maybe add a link to this thread also.
What's that smell? I think this tiny ad may have stepped in something.
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