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this forum made possible by our volunteer staff, including ...
master stewards:
  • Carla Burke
  • Nancy Reading
  • r ranson
  • Jay Angler
  • John F Dean
  • Pearl Sutton
  • Nicole Alderman
  • paul wheaton
  • Anne Miller
master gardeners:
  • Christopher Weeks
  • Timothy Norton
  • thomas rubino
  • Jeremy VanGelder
  • Matt McSpadden
Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
BB Build a You Are Here Structure - PEP BB community.straw.heremap 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 2:12:39 AM
Mike Haasl
pep community
BB Organize a Seedling Swap - PEP BB community.straw.seedling 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 2:05:47 AM
Mike Haasl
pep community
BB Make a Mid-Size Lathe - metalworking.iron.lathe PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 1:57:42 AM
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB Convert a Motorcycle or Dirt Bike to Electric - metalworking.iron.electricbike PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 1:52:32 AM
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB Make a Large Smoker - metalworking.iron.largesmoker PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 1:50:42 AM
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB Make a Large Trailer - metalworking.iron.lrgtrailer PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 1:48:01 AM
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB Make a Small Trailer with Walking Suspension - metalworking.iron.smltrailersusp PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 1:45:31 AM
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB Make a Large Trailer with Walking Suspension - metalworking.iron.lgtrailersusp PPE BB 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 1:44:45 AM
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB Make a Large Solar Panel Mounting System - PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/19/2020 1:39:11 AM
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
Chinese Master Carpenter "Grandpa Amu" Makes Wonderful Toys 0 Dave Burton 11/18/2020 3:59:45 PM
Dave Burton
BB Create a Labor Investment Collective - PEP BB community.straw.lic 0 Dave Burton 11/17/2020 3:58:56 PM
Dave Burton
pep community
BB Create a Self-Guided Tour - PEP BB community.straw.selftour 0 Dave Burton 11/16/2020 3:59:52 PM
Dave Burton
pep community
BB Create a Community of 6 People - PEP BB community.straw.sixpeople 0 Dave Burton 11/16/2020 3:53:49 PM
Dave Burton
pep community
BB Create a Private Geocaching Program w/ Six Points - PEP BB community.straw.geocache 0 Dave Burton 11/11/2020 3:45:02 PM
Dave Burton
pep community
BB Build a Little Free Library - PEP BB community.sand.library 0 Dave Burton 11/10/2020 3:51:57 PM
Dave Burton
pep community
BB Build a Large Articulating Solar Panel System - metalworking.iron.solarsys PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/10/2020 3:38:32 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Convert a Tractor to Electric - metalworking.iron.electrictractor PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/9/2020 3:47:50 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Convert a Vehicle to Electric - metalworking.iron.electricvehicle PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/9/2020 3:40:02 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Hammer Patch and Weld a Hole in a Truck - metalworking.iron.patchtruck PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/9/2020 3:33:48 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Convert a Vehicle to Wood or Charcoal Gasification - metalworking.iron.vehiclegascon PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/7/2020 3:54:15 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Make a Beautiful Fire Tool Set - metalworking.iron.firetool PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/7/2020 3:31:27 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Make an Iron/Steel Gate - metalworking.iron.gate PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/7/2020 3:27:19 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Make Elegant Spindles for 10’ Railing - metalworking.iron.spindles PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/7/2020 3:22:13 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Make a Chandelier - metalworking.iron.chandelier PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/7/2020 3:14:46 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Make a Coach Light - metalworking.iron.coachlight PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/7/2020 3:10 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Make a Nice Candelabra - metalworking.iron.candelabra PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/6/2020 4:00:18 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Make a Beautiful Food Safe Copper Sink - metwalworking.iron.hamcop PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/6/2020 3:53:31 PM
Dave Burton
pep metalworking
BB Forage Garden for 1 Mile - PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/5/2020 3:57:43 PM
Dave Burton
pep foraging
BB Eat 90% Foraged Food for 90 Days - foraging.iron.ninety PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/5/2020 3:54:12 PM
Dave Burton
pep foraging
BB Eat 90% Foraged Food for 10 Days - foraging.wood.tendays PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 11/4/2020 3:55:38 PM
Dave Burton
pep foraging
BB Breed and Nurture Honeybees - PEP BB animal.iron.bnhoneybees 0 Dave Burton 11/4/2020 3:41:06 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Breed and Nurture Fish - PEP BB animal.iron.bnfish 0 Dave Burton 11/4/2020 3:36:27 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Breed and Nurture Turkeys - PEP BB animal.iron.bnturkeys 0 Dave Burton 11/3/2020 3:46:04 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Breed and Nurture Hogs - PEP BB animal.iron.bnhogs 0 Dave Burton 11/3/2020 3:41:21 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Breed and Nurture Chickens - PEP BB animal.iron.bnchickens 0 Dave Burton 11/3/2020 3:37:17 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Breed and Nurture Cattle - PEP BB animal.iron.bncattle 0 Dave Burton 11/3/2020 3:33:34 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Harvest 20 Square Feet of Fur - PEP BB animal.iron.fur 0 Dave Burton 11/2/2020 3:55:14 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Harvest 20 Square Feet of Leather - PEP BB animal.iron.leather 0 Dave Burton 11/2/2020 3:52 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Harvest 80 Pounds of Fiber - PEP BB animal.iron.fiber 0 Dave Burton 11/2/2020 3:48:57 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Harvest 4 Million Calories from 9 Domestic Animal Systems - PEP BB animal.iron.milcal 0 Dave Burton 11/2/2020 3:44:39 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Grow Forage for Chickens/Pigs in Four Paddocks - PEP BB animal.wood.fourforage 0 Dave Burton 10/31/2020 1:50:17 AM
Mike Haasl
pep animal care
BB Arrange a Hayless System for a Ruminant Herd - PEP BB animal.wood.ruminantherd 0 Dave Burton 10/31/2020 1:49:31 AM
Mike Haasl
pep animal care
BB Harvest 5 Square Feet of Leather - PEP BB animal.wood.leather 0 Dave Burton 10/30/2020 2:47:14 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Seal a 1000 Square Foot Pond with Pigs - PEP BB animal.wood.pondpigs 1 Dave Burton 10/29/2020 10:29:07 PM
Michael Cox
pep animal care
BB Harvest 20 Pounds of Fiber from a Domestic Animal System - PEP BB animal.wood.fiber 0 Dave Burton 10/29/2020 9:52:20 PM
Mike Haasl
pep animal care
BB Preserve 1 Million Calories - food.wood.calories PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 10/29/2020 2:50:47 AM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep
BB Preserve 4 Million Calories - food.iron.preserve PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 10/29/2020 2:49:22 AM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep
BB Prove that Your Bees Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.beespara 1 Dave Burton 10/16/2020 3:31:08 PM
Michael Cox
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Guinea Pigs Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.guineapigspara 0 Dave Burton 10/16/2020 2:45:19 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Fish Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.fishpara 0 Dave Burton 10/16/2020 2:40:18 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Turkeys Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.turkeyspara 0 Dave Burton 10/16/2020 2:38:19 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
Prove that Your Sheep Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.sheepara 0 Dave Burton 10/16/2020 2:36:28 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Goats Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.goatspara 0 Dave Burton 10/16/2020 2:35:11 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Dogs Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.dogspara 0 Dave Burton 10/15/2020 2:52:46 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Cats Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.catspara 0 Dave Burton 10/15/2020 2:50:04 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Hogs Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.hogspara 0 Dave Burton 10/15/2020 2:47:27 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Alpacas Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.alpacaspara 0 Dave Burton 10/15/2020 2:44:29 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Llamas Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.llamaspara 0 Dave Burton 10/15/2020 2:42:06 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Rabbits Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.rabbitspara 0 Dave Burton 10/15/2020 2:39:59 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care
BB Prove that Your Geese Do Not Have Parasites - PEP BB animal.straw.geesepara 0 Dave Burton 10/15/2020 2:37:28 PM
Dave Burton
pep animal care