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master stewards:
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master gardeners:
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  • Timothy Norton
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  • Matt McSpadden
Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
BB Use Water From a Dishpan to Flush a Toilet or Water Something - PEP BB greywillow.sand.dishpan
[ 1, 2, 3 < ...  <6, 7, 8 ]
70 Dave Burton 1/15/2025 5:57:32 PM
Jesse Lane
pep greywater
BB Sink a small bowl or spoon - metalworking.straw.sink PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 1/15/2025 1:37:42 AM
David Huang
pep metalworking
BB Three Scoops with an Excavator - PEP BB earthworks.sand.threescoops
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
57 Dave Burton 1/13/2025 11:01:36 PM
Mark Miner
pep earthworks
BB Install an Instant Bidet - PEP BB plumbing.sand.tiny.instabidet 14 Dave Burton 1/13/2025 4:59:28 PM
Mark Miner
pep plumbing
BB Repoint 200 sqft of rubble foundation - homesteading.straw.rubble PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 1/12/2025 6:22:29 PM
Clay McGowen
pep homesteading
BB Reuse Water From a Shower - PEP BB greywillow.sand.showerwater
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
71 Dave Burton 1/12/2025 2:54:02 PM
Jesse Lane
pep greywater
Locations to do PEP/PEX
[ 1, 2 ]
64 Dave Burton 1/12/2025 6:40:52 AM
Shahar Goldin
skills to inherit property
BB Roast Four Pans of Food - food.straw.fourpans PEP BB 3 Dave Burton 1/10/2025 5:57:05 PM
Alexandra Malecki
pep food prep
BB PEP BB homesteading.sand.little.sanding - Sand an Icy Driveway and Paths 4 Dave Burton 1/10/2025 2:09:33 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep homesteading
BB Slaughter and Clean a Sheep - PEP BB animal.straw.slaughtersheep 4 Dave Burton 1/10/2025 1:59:23 AM
Rebekah Harmon
pep animal care
Official Geophagia and Dust Bathing Thread 3 Dave Burton 1/9/2025 3:14:42 AM
Maieshe Ljin
BB Deep Clean and Polish a Stainless Steel Sink - PEP BB nest.straw.deepcleansink 15 Dave Burton 1/9/2025 12:19:11 AM
Harmony Dybala
pep nest
Mushroom Burial Suit 14 Dave Burton 1/8/2025 9:40:37 AM
Nancy Reading
BB Operate a RMH for One Month - PEP BB rocket.wood.month 4 Dave Burton 1/7/2025 6:47:35 PM
Alexandra Malecki
pep rocket
BB Remove Knobs/Faucets to Clean Under Them - PEP BB nest.straw.cleanfaucets 2 Dave Burton 1/7/2025 2:25:43 PM
Patrick W Kelly
pep nest
BB Repair Flat on Front Wheel of Bicycle - PEP BB tool.sand.fronttire 16 Dave Burton 1/7/2025 7:15:09 AM
Cheryl Loomans
pep tool care
BB PEP BB homesteading.sand.big.snowblade - Clear Snow with Tractor Back Blade 5 Dave Burton 1/5/2025 4:19:55 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep homesteading
BB Deep Clean Exterior of Stove/Oven - PEP BB nest.straw.alice.exteriorstove 11 Dave Burton 1/4/2025 3:44:07 AM
Harmony Dybala
pep nest
BB 5 scoops Using Tractor Loader - PEP BB earthworks.sand.tractor
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
34 Dave Burton 1/1/2025 6:24:05 PM
Mark Miner
pep earthworks
BB Clean, Grease, and Oil a Tractor Implement - PEP BB tool.straw.grease 4 Dave Burton 1/1/2025 12:14:34 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care
BB Clean and Oil a Stationary Power Tool - PEP BB 6 Dave Burton 12/31/2024 11:49:53 PM
James Bradford
pep tool care
BB PEP BB tool.straw.sleeves - Demonstrate Use of Category 1 and 2 Sleeves 3 Dave Burton 12/31/2024 9:43:58 PM
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care
BB Cook Grain with a Solar Oven - PEP BB
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
29 Dave Burton 12/31/2024 9:41:19 PM
Clay McGowen
pep food prep
BB Make a Pin Style Handle For a Tool - PEP BB tool.straw.handles 6 Dave Burton 12/31/2024 2:31:16 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care
BB Cook Grain on a Stove Top - PEP BB food.sand.grain.stove
[ 1, 2, 3 < ...  <13, 14, 15 ]
104 Dave Burton 12/29/2024 9:36:19 PM
Jesse Lane
pep food prep
BB Replacing a Roof on a Small Building - PEP BB homesteading.straw.replaceroof 5 Dave Burton 12/29/2024 6:30:32 AM
James Bradford
pep homesteading
BB Lash Something 10' or Longer to a Vehicle - PEP BB homesteading.sand.little.lash 34 Dave Burton 12/29/2024 3:59:03 AM
James Bradford
pep homesteading
BB Cook and Serve Sunchokes (AKA Jerusalem Artichokes) - PEP BB food.straw.sunchokes
[ 1, 2 ]
14 Dave Burton 12/28/2024 1:58:04 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep food prep
BB PEP BB tool.straw.bowsaw - Sharpen a Bow Saw 2 Dave Burton 12/28/2024 1:10:19 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care
BB PEP BB tool.straw.drawknife - Sharpen a Draw Knife 5 Dave Burton 12/28/2024 1:04:16 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care
BB PEP BB tool.straw.wedgehandle - Make Another Handle for a Tool in the (Wedge List) 4 Dave Burton 12/28/2024 12:08:36 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care
BB Pressure Can 2 Types of Food (1 Gallon Each) - food.straw.pressurecan PEP BB 19 Dave Burton 12/26/2024 11:06:25 PM
Alexandra Malecki
pep food prep
BB PEP BB homesteading.straw.scything - Scythe an Area of 100 Square Feet 3 Dave Burton 12/25/2024 2:29:47 AM
James Bradford
pep homesteading
BB Make 2 Different Dairy Products - food.straw.twodairy PEP BB
[ 1, 2, 3 < ...  <5, 6, 7 ]
43 Dave Burton 12/21/2024 5:52:46 AM
Clay McGowen
pep food prep
BB Clean/Decalcify a Faucet Aerator - PEP BB plumbing.sand.tiny.cleanfaucet
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
25 Dave Burton 12/18/2024 7:46:21 PM
Rebekah Harmon
pep plumbing
BB Clean/Decalcify a Shower Head - PEP BB plumbing.sand.cleanshowerhead
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
35 Dave Burton 12/18/2024 3:28:01 PM
Rebekah Harmon
pep plumbing
BB Build a J-Tube RMH - PEP BB 4 Dave Burton 12/17/2024 3:47:01 AM
Rebekah Harmon
pep rocket
BB Implement 4 Wooden Boxes for an Organizational System - PEP BB nest.straw.boxorganizing 13 Dave Burton 12/16/2024 9:53:19 PM
Jesse Lane
pep nest
BB PEP BB tool.straw.chainsawvideo - Make a Video of Sharpening a Chainsaw 4 Dave Burton 12/13/2024 3:28:52 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care
BB Three log bench - PEP BB roundwood.sand.bench
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
53 Dave Burton 12/12/2024 7:32:03 PM
Mike Barkley
pep round woodworking
BB Smelt Iron from Ore - metwalworking.wood.ironore PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 12/9/2024 1:34:42 PM
Joshua States
pep metalworking
BB Ferment Four Different Things (One Gallon) - food.straw.fermentfour PEP BB 23 Dave Burton 12/9/2024 3:06:31 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep food prep
BB Repair a Toilet Seat/Lid - PEP BB plumbing.sand.tiny.toiletseat
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
19 Dave Burton 12/5/2024 10:20:50 PM
Jesse Lane
pep plumbing
BB PEP BB woodland.straw.cleavers - Plant 100 Cleavers 7 Dave Burton 12/5/2024 5:44:17 AM
Chris Clinton
pep woodland care
BB Install a Smoke Detector - PEP BB homesteading.sand.little.smoke 29 Dave Burton 12/3/2024 10:51:08 AM
Jesse Lane
pep homesteading
Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens - YouTube Channel 3 Dave Burton 12/2/2024 7:23:47 PM
Jen Fulkerson
movies, videos and documentaries
BB Get a vehicle/tractor unstuck from mud or snow - homesteading.straw.unstuck PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 11/30/2024 4:23 PM
Chris Clinton
pep homesteading
Edible Acres - YouTube Channel 19 Dave Burton 11/27/2024 1:25:16 AM
Timothy Norton
forest garden
BB Store Food in a Living State - food.straw.livingstorage PEP BB 8 Dave Burton 11/26/2024 4:31:44 PM
Rebekah Harmon
pep food prep
BB Start a Rocket Oven and Bake Something - PEP BB rocket.sand.oven
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
29 Dave Burton 11/22/2024 4:03:50 AM
Clay McGowen
pep rocket
BB Remove, Clean, and Reinstall Three Window Screens - PEP BB nest.straw.screens 4 Dave Burton 11/19/2024 11:07:23 AM
Jesse Lane
pep nest
Richard Perkins - YouTube Channel 13 Dave Burton 11/18/2024 12:56:38 AM
Timothy Norton
movies, videos and documentaries
BB PEP BB tool.sand.bikechain - Clean and Oil a Bicycle Chain 16 Dave Burton 11/17/2024 10:36:17 PM
Cheryl Loomans
pep tool care
BB PEP BB tool.sand.brakes - Adjust Brakes on a Bicycle 10 Dave Burton 11/17/2024 9:01:40 PM
Cheryl Loomans
pep tool care
BB PEP BB tool.sand.shifters - Adjust Shifters on Bicycle 6 Dave Burton 11/17/2024 7:04:42 PM
Cheryl Loomans
pep tool care
BB Setup a Cider Pressing Party - PEP BB community.straw.ciderparty 3 Dave Burton 11/16/2024 7:39:38 PM
Alexandra Malecki
pep community
BB PEP BB tool.straw.scissors - Sharpen Scissors 11 Dave Burton 11/15/2024 2:09:58 AM
Dave Luke
pep tool care
BB Create or Restock a First Aid Kit - PEP BB homesteading.sand.firstaid 28 Dave Burton 11/15/2024 1:49:18 AM
Cheryl Loomans
pep homesteading
BB Make a Brush Pile - PEP BB animal.sand.pile
[ 1, 2, 3 < ...  <5, 6, 7 ]
63 Dave Burton 11/12/2024 8:57:50 PM
Ra Kenworth
pep animal care
BB Restart a Cast Iron Skillet - food.straw.restart PEP BB
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
24 Dave Burton 11/11/2024 1:21:43 AM
Jesse Lane
pep food prep