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this forum made possible by our volunteer staff, including ...
master stewards:
  • Carla Burke
  • Nancy Reading
  • r ranson
  • Jay Angler
  • John F Dean
  • Pearl Sutton
  • Nicole Alderman
  • paul wheaton
  • Anne Miller
master gardeners:
  • Christopher Weeks
  • Timothy Norton
  • thomas rubino
  • Jeremy VanGelder
  • Matt McSpadden
Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
Herbal Formulas: 150 Proven Recipes for Radiant Health by Dr. Sharol Tilgner 2 Dave Burton 11/29/2021 5:25:16 PM
Sharol Tilgner
medicinal herbs
Your Edible Yard by Crystal Stevens 2 Dave Burton 11/23/2021 1:42:36 AM
Leigh Tate
gardening for beginners
BB Put Up Three Cords of Firewood - woodland.wood.firewood PEP BB 6 Dave Burton 11/19/2021 12:31:30 PM
Brandon Gladefield
pep woodland care
BB PEP BB food.sand.vegan.hash - Cook Hash Browns in a Cast Iron Skillet 6 Dave Burton 11/12/2021 4:54:28 PM
Rebekah Harmon
pep food prep
BB PEP BB food.sand.vegan.pancakes - Cook Ten Pancakes in a Cast Iron Skillet 7 Dave Burton 11/12/2021 4:45:31 PM
Rebekah Harmon
pep food prep
Food from the Radical Center: Healing Our Land and Communities by Gary Paul Nabhan 1 Dave Burton 11/11/2021 1:59:41 AM
Leigh Tate
Building Your Permaculture Property by Rob Avis, Takota Coen, and Michelle Avis 38 Dave Burton 11/10/2021 5:07:06 AM
Leigh Tate
permaculture design
BB Skiddable Firewood Shed Holds One Cord - woodland.wood.shed PEP BB 2 Dave Burton 11/9/2021 5:36:45 PM
K Wagner
pep woodland care
The Tourist Trail (Across Oceans 1) by John Yunker 1 Dave Burton 11/5/2021 1:28:15 AM
Leigh Tate
Holy Cows & Hog Heaven by Joel Salatin 2 Dave Burton 11/4/2021 1:25:44 AM
Leigh Tate
Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks 2 Dave Burton 11/4/2021 12:46:56 AM
Leigh Tate
Dave Burton's Boot Adventures at Wheaton Labs and Basecamp
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167 Dave Burton 10/31/2021 10:07:45 AM
L. Johnson
wheaton laboratories
Elegant Simplicity by Satish Kumar 1 Dave Burton 10/30/2021 1:21:51 AM
Leigh Tate
BB Build an Adobe Brick or Cob Bench - naturalbuilding.straw.bench PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 10/29/2021 2:52:41 PM
Edward Norton
pep natural building
BB Harvest and Store Grain - food.straw.storegrain PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 10/25/2021 3:59:34 AM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep
BB Set up a Holzer bee hive - PEP BB animal.straw.holzerhive 1 Dave Burton 10/24/2021 11:56:39 PM
Mike Haasl
pep animal care
BB Prepare 3200 Plates of Food - food.iron.plates PEP BB 2 Dave Burton 10/17/2021 1:02:37 PM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep
BB Make Holzer Bone Sauce - PEP BB animal.sand.bonesauce 1 Dave Burton 10/10/2021 7:29:19 PM
Kyle D Burdick
pep animal care
Grocery Story by Jon Steinman 1 Dave Burton 10/8/2021 1:31:50 AM
Leigh Tate
The Prairie Homestead Cookbook by Jill Winger 4 Dave Burton 10/8/2021 1:24:06 AM
Leigh Tate
BB Convert a Tractor or Garden Tractor to Charcoal Gasification - metalworking.iron.chargas PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 10/5/2021 11:24:17 PM
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB Build a Solar Finder - naturalbuilding.straw.solarfinder PEP BB 3 Dave Burton 10/4/2021 2:02:20 AM
Paul Fookes
pep natural building
Straw Bale Building Details by CASBA 2 Dave Burton 9/27/2021 1:46:42 AM
Leigh Tate
The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved by Sandor Ellix Katz 1 Dave Burton 9/26/2021 12:48:49 AM
Leigh Tate
The Ethical Meat Handbook by Meredith Leigh 4 Dave Burton 9/26/2021 12:33:31 AM
Leigh Tate
BB Make Dry Stack Steps - earthworks.wood.steps PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 9/20/2021 3:02:43 PM
Mike Haasl
pep earthworks
BB Divert the Urine Diverter and Sink Drain to a Mulch Pit w/ Willow Tree - greywillow.sand.divertpit 0 Dave Burton 9/15/2021 9:08:42 PM
Mike Haasl
pep greywater
BB Create Significant Art for a Willow Feeder - PEP BB greywillow.sand.signifart 0 Dave Burton 9/15/2021 9:06:01 PM
Mike Haasl
pep greywater
BB Forage Garden 1 Mile of Trail Side - PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 9/15/2021 8:51:59 PM
Mike Haasl
pep foraging
BB Forage 1.6 Million Calories from 20 Different Sources - foraging.iron.milcal PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 9/15/2021 8:46:46 PM
Mike Haasl
pep foraging
Wiki BB Harvest Five Different Species Fresh - foraging.straw.freshfive PEP BB 3 Dave Burton 9/14/2021 3:59:30 PM
Mike Haasl
pep foraging
BB Organize a Group Field Trip - PEP BB community.straw.fieldtrip 2 Dave Burton 9/10/2021 8:07:24 PM
George Yacus
pep community
BB Build a Freezer Wofati - naturalbuilding.wood.freezer PEP BB 0 Dave Burton 9/10/2021 1:33:34 AM
Mike Haasl
pep natural building
BB Build a Small Pond without a Liner - PEP BB earthworks.straw.smallpond 0 Dave Burton 9/8/2021 3:31:24 PM
Mike Haasl
pep earthworks
BB Build 3 Passive Garden Heaters - earthworks.iron.passiveheat PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 9/8/2021 3:27:15 PM
Trace Oswald
pep earthworks
BB Make a Proper Road for at Least 100 Feet - PEP BB earthworks.straw.road 1 Dave Burton 9/8/2021 2:41:32 PM
Mike Haasl
pep earthworks
The Medicinal Forest Garden Handbook by Anne Stobart 14 Dave Burton 9/5/2021 1:04:42 AM
Leigh Tate
forest garden
BB Make a Large Jean Paine Compost System - homesteading.wood.compost PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 8/27/2021 8:23:41 PM
Sarah Elizabeth
pep homesteading
BB Add Aeration Strategy for a Trout Pond - PEP BB animal.sand.aeration 1 Dave Burton 8/11/2021 7:52:25 PM
Bill Bacon
pep animal care
BB Build a Trailer - metalworking.wood.trailer PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 8/9/2021 8:05:21 AM
Brandon Gladefield
pep metalworking
BB Fix a Leaking Roof - PEP BB homesteading.straw.fixleak 3 Dave Burton 8/9/2021 7:52:26 AM
Brandon Gladefield
pep homesteading
BB Add a Wood-burned Oil-sealed Sign to a Willow Feeder or Dry Outhouse - PEP BB greywillow.sand.adsign 2 Dave Burton 8/4/2021 2:03:57 PM
Kaitlen Osburn
pep greywater
BB Install a Medicine Cabinet in the Wall Between the Studs - PEP BB nest.straw.installcab 1 Dave Burton 7/28/2021 2:57:06 PM
Mike Haasl
pep nest
BB Build a Parking Lot - earthworks.wood.parking PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 7/27/2021 11:17:08 PM
Mike Barkley
pep earthworks
BB Prepare for Building a Structure - earthworks.wood.prepare PEP BB 1 Dave Burton 7/27/2021 11:12:11 PM
Mike Barkley
pep earthworks
BB Create a Full-Sized Berm - earthworks.wood.berm PEP BB 2 Dave Burton 7/21/2021 6:56:43 PM
Nicole Alderman
pep earthworks
BB Remove Algae From Trout Pond - PEP BB animal.sand.remove 2 Dave Burton 7/17/2021 3:55:47 AM
Bill Bacon
pep animal care
Do-It-Yourself Soil and Water Tests 4 Dave Burton 7/15/2021 6:07:52 PM
Nicole Alderman
BB Hold an Award Ceremony - PEP BB community.straw.awards 1 Dave Burton 7/14/2021 9:58:09 PM
Mike Haasl
pep community
*Welcome Michelle Avis, Rob Avis, and Takota Coen, Authors of Building Your Permaculture Property!
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49 Dave Burton 7/7/2021 7:57:04 PM
Rob Kaiser
permaculture design
Currently Scheduled Book/Event/Resource Promotions 1 Dave Burton 7/4/2021 7:39:22 PM
Dave Burton
Please Welcome Zach Loeks, Instructor for the Food Guild Design Course at EcosystemU!
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45 Dave Burton 7/2/2021 4:53:28 PM
Dave Burton
permaculture design
Permaculture Observation Exercises 11 Dave Burton 7/2/2021 3:54:18 PM
Anne Miller
permaculture design
BB Overhaul the "Occupied" System of a Willow Feeder - PEP BB greywillow.sand.overhauloccupy 1 Dave Burton 6/30/2021 1:15:25 AM
Mike Haasl
pep greywater
BB Make 600 Feet of Proper Road - earthworks.wood.properroad PEP BB 2 Dave Burton 6/21/2021 3:02:59 AM
Shane Evans
pep earthworks
BB Deep Clean a Carpet with Water and Suction - PEP BB nest.straw.deepcleancarpet 1 Dave Burton 6/20/2021 9:59:29 PM
Kevin Harbin
pep nest
BB PEP BB electricity.sand.batterymaintenance - Perform Maintenance on Three Lead Acid Batteries 10 Dave Burton 6/10/2021 10:38:48 AM
Mike Barkley
pep electricity
Benefits of No-Dig Gardening - Why Do No-Dig Gardening? 31 Dave Burton 5/28/2021 8:48:48 AM
R. Han
urban gardening
BB PEP BB earthworks.straw.roadmaintenance - Perform Road Maintenance for at Least 100 Feet 1 Dave Burton 6/21/2021 2:17:47 AM
Shane Evans
pep earthworks