Sweep a Floor - PEP BB nest.sand.sweepfloor
1, 2, 3
< ...
<31, 32, 33
162 |
Dave Burton
Yesterday 1:38:42 PM
James Bradford
pep nest |
Perform a Water Quality Test - PEP BB plumbing.sand.waterquality
1, 2
11 |
Dave Burton
3/24/2025 12:40:44 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep plumbing |
Repair a Ding in Drywall or Plaster - PEP BB nest.straw.repairdry
4 |
Dave Burton
3/23/2025 9:01:46 PM
Cheryl Loomans
pep nest |
Set Up a Semi-Permanent Outside Gathering Area - PEP BB nest.straw.gathering
8 |
Dave Burton
3/23/2025 7:39:39 PM
Cheryl Loomans
pep nest |
Setup a Home Recycling System - PEP BB nest.straw.homerecycling
10 |
Dave Burton
3/22/2025 8:07:10 PM
Katie See
pep nest |
PEP BB tool.straw.removerust - Remove Rust, Clean, and Oil a Hand Tool
1, 2, 3, 4
27 |
Dave Burton
3/21/2025 12:50:22 AM
Nicole Alderman
pep tool care |
Meme Factory
1, 2, 3
101 |
Dave Burton
3/19/2025 8:55:06 PM
Jeremy VanGelder
tinkering with this site |
Oil Kitchen Woods - PEP BB nest.sand.utensils
1, 2, 3
< ...
<17, 18, 19
92 |
Dave Burton
3/15/2025 10:42:33 PM
Jesse Lane
pep nest |
Make a Mop - nest.straw.makemop
1 |
Dave Burton
3/15/2025 5:29:26 PM
Cheryl Loomans
pep nest |
Cook Grain with a slow cooker - PEP BB food.sand.grain.rice
1, 2, 3
< ...
<6, 7, 8
71 |
Dave Burton
3/12/2025 1:16:32 AM
Elle Bee
pep food prep |
do laundry by hand - PEP BB nest.sand.handlaundry
1, 2, 3
< ...
<14, 15, 16
75 |
Dave Burton
3/10/2025 4:07:51 PM
Chris Clinton
pep nest |
Heat a Space with a RMH for a Week - PEP BB rocket.straw.week
2 |
Dave Burton
3/9/2025 11:06:45 PM
Rebekah Harmon
pep rocket |
Clean Interior of a Freezer - PEP BB nest.straw.interiorfreezer
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
26 |
Dave Burton
3/9/2025 1:52:30 AM
Jesse Lane
pep nest |
The Rocket Mass Heater Builder's Guide by Ernie and Erica Wisner
24 |
Dave Burton
3/5/2025 10:31:47 AM
Benjamin Dinkel
rocket mass heaters |
Clean an Oily Dish Without Soap - PEP BB nest.sand.oilydish
1, 2, 3
< ...
<20, 21, 22
109 |
Dave Burton
3/4/2025 10:08:41 PM
James Bradford
pep nest |
What Are You All Reading?
1, 2, 3
< ...
<6, 7, 8
312 |
Dave Burton
3/1/2025 10:39:10 AM
Judith Browning
meaningless drivel |
Make Rags From Old Clothes - PEP BB nest.sand.makerags
1, 2, 3
< ...
<6, 7, 8
79 |
Dave Burton
2/26/2025 10:47:33 AM
Jesse Lane
pep nest |
Shovel Snow From a Walk - PEP BB nest.straw.shovelsnow
28 |
Dave Burton
2/24/2025 2:21:49 AM
Katie See
pep nest |
Build and Cook with a Dakota Fire Hole - PEP BB rocket.sand.dakota
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
24 |
Dave Burton
2/18/2025 6:44:40 PM
Jesse Lane
pep rocket |
Cook Grain with Rocket Stove and a Haybox Cooker - PEP BB food.sand.grain.hay
1, 2, 3, 4
37 |
Dave Burton
2/18/2025 6:06:04 PM
Jesse Lane
pep food prep |
Grind 2 Different Grains into Flour - food.straw.flours PEP BB
15 |
Dave Burton
2/17/2025 10:47:54 PM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep |
Make 2 Different Gravies - food.straw.gravies PEP BB
8 |
Dave Burton
2/17/2025 10:43:30 PM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep |
Plumb a Greywater Fixture to an Existing Greywater Drain - PEP BB greywillow.straw.plumbexist
0 |
Dave Burton
2/15/2025 1:48:16 AM
Mike Haasl
pep greywater |
Plumb an Outdoor Sink to Drain to a Mulch Pit - PEP BB greywillow.straw.sinkpit
0 |
Dave Burton
2/15/2025 1:47:35 AM
Mike Haasl
pep greywater |
Plumb a Greywater Fixture to Drain to a Mulch Pit - PEP BB greywillow.straw.fixturepit
0 |
Dave Burton
2/15/2025 1:47:02 AM
Mike Haasl
pep greywater |
Weave a basket - PEP BB textile.sand.basket
1, 2, 3
< ...
<6, 7, 8
79 |
Dave Burton
2/13/2025 12:58:29 PM
Julie Wood
pep textiles |
Get Whiter Whites Without Using Chlorine or Bleach - PEP BB nest.sand.whiter
35 |
Dave Burton
2/12/2025 8:50:15 PM
Jesse Lane
pep nest |
Prove Your Animal's Food is Fit for Human Consumption - PEP BB
11 |
Dave Burton
2/11/2025 6:27:58 AM
Samantha Lewis
pep animal care |
How to Eat Organic or Better and Local Without Being Exhausted?
1, 2
53 |
Dave Burton
2/10/2025 9:21:57 PM
Inge Leonora-den Ouden
food choices |
Clean an Area Rug - PEP BB nest.sand.cleanrug
1, 2, 3
< ...
<6, 7, 8
60 |
Dave Burton
2/10/2025 6:54:30 PM
Harmony Dybala
pep nest |
Build a J-Tube Rocket Oven - PEP BB rocket.wood.oven
0 |
Dave Burton
2/10/2025 3:37:22 AM
Mike Haasl
pep rocket |
Build a J-Tube Unpressurized Rocket Hot Water Heater - PEP BB rocket.wood.hotwaterrmh
0 |
Dave Burton
2/10/2025 3:35:12 AM
Mike Haasl
pep rocket |
PEP BB - Clean a Kitchen
1, 2, 3
< ...
<16, 17, 18
88 |
Dave Burton
2/10/2025 12:35:17 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep nest |
Manually Clean an Oven - PEP BB nest.sand.cleanoven
1, 2, 3
< ...
<6, 7, 8
49 |
Dave Burton
2/10/2025 12:15:35 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep nest |
Deep Clean a Couch or Chair - nest.sand.couch PEP BB
31 |
Dave Burton
2/8/2025 9:48:24 PM
Jesse Lane
pep nest |
PEP BB homesteading.straw.tirechains - Put chains on a set of drive tires
3 |
Dave Burton
2/8/2025 5:13:18 PM
Jesse Lane
pep homesteading |
Press or Render a Quart of Oil or Fat - food.straw.oilfat PEP BB
1, 2, 3
21 |
Dave Burton
2/8/2025 4:11:23 PM
Joy Hancock
pep food prep |
A New Goal For Parenting (Clue: not happiness)
12 |
Dave Burton
2/7/2025 8:31:46 PM
Christopher Weeks
ulcer factory |
Clean a Bathroom - PEP BB nest.sand.bathroom
1, 2, 3
< ...
<15, 16, 17
81 |
Dave Burton
2/6/2025 3:35:08 AM
Harmony Dybala
pep nest |
Cook a Stir Fry - PEP BB food.sand.stir
1, 2, 3
< ...
<10, 11, 12
114 |
Dave Burton
2/5/2025 3:15:34 AM
James Bradford
pep food prep |
Clean Interior of Fridge - PEP BB nest.straw.interiorfridge
1, 2, 3
< ...
<5, 6, 7
34 |
Dave Burton
2/4/2025 4:59:08 AM
Harmony Dybala
pep nest |
PEP BB roundwood.straw.lightspoon - Make a Lightweight Spoon You Can Eat With
14 |
Dave Burton
2/4/2025 4:55:08 AM
Chris Clinton
pep round woodworking |
Make a General Purpose Natural Cleaner - PEP BB nest.straw.generalclean
22 |
Dave Burton
2/4/2025 3:48:55 AM
Harmony Dybala
pep nest |
Find a Wall Stud and Hang a Picture - PEP BB nest.straw.hangpic
9 |
Dave Burton
2/3/2025 7:57:53 PM
Cheryl Loomans
pep nest |
Wipe Down 3 Windows - PEP BB nest.straw.wipewindows
1, 2, 3, 4
24 |
Dave Burton
2/2/2025 6:48:11 PM
Jesse Lane
pep nest |
Remove snow from a roof safely - homesteading.straw.roofsnow PEP BB
2 |
Dave Burton
2/2/2025 5:35:56 PM
Rebekah Harmon
pep homesteading |
Manage and Support Farm Cat to Raise Six Kittens - PEP BB animal.sand.kittens
4 |
Dave Burton
2/2/2025 9:31:47 AM
Samantha Lewis
pep animal care |
Grease Hinges - PEP BB nest.sand.hinges
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
69 |
Dave Burton
2/2/2025 1:10:08 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep nest |
PEP BB homesteading.sand.little.monoxide - Install a CO Detector
18 |
Dave Burton
2/1/2025 3:36:37 AM
Jesse Lane
pep homesteading |
Make 2 Different Kinds of Condiments or Salad Dressings - PEP BB food.straw.condiments
21 |
Dave Burton
1/28/2025 5:30:51 PM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep |
Repair a P-Trap - PEP BB plumbing.sand.tiny.ptrap
13 |
Dave Burton
1/28/2025 4:59:59 PM
Mark Miner
pep plumbing |
Make 6 Quarts of Stock from Veggie Scraps - food.straw.stock PEP BB
22 |
Dave Burton
1/28/2025 4:01:21 PM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep |
Dry 6 Different Types of Things - food.straw.drythings PEP BB
7 |
Dave Burton
1/27/2025 4:35:52 AM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep |
Make Four Different Soups (1/2 Gallon) - food.straw.soupsfour PEP BB
5 |
Dave Burton
1/26/2025 6:56:48 PM
Mike Haasl
pep food prep |
Sharpen Loppers - PEP BB tool.straw.loppers
8 |
Dave Burton
1/25/2025 2:13:11 AM
Alexandra Malecki
pep tool care |
Put Out Straw in Winter for Animal Warmth - PEP BB animal.sand.winterstraw
20 |
Dave Burton
1/22/2025 9:24:08 PM
Rebekah Harmon
pep animal care |
PEP BB tool.straw.service - Full Service a Vehicle or Tractor
3 |
Dave Burton
1/21/2025 12:27:27 AM
Mark Miner
pep tool care |
PEP BB plumbing.sand.tiny.filterwater - Put Collected Water Through a Berkey Filter
14 |
Dave Burton
1/20/2025 9:25:01 PM
Mark Miner
pep plumbing |
PEP BB nest.sand.dishes - Wash Dishes by Hand
1, 2, 3
< ...
<10, 11, 12
169 |
Dave Burton
1/18/2025 2:37:57 PM
Jesse Lane
pep nest |
PEP BB homesteading.sand.reverse - Drive a Truck and Trailer in Reverse
25 |
Dave Burton
1/16/2025 11:20:28 PM
Cheryl Loomans
pep homesteading |