The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
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Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
I don't have goats, but my neighbor did. Goats don't need a "why" they just are. I've read elsewhere also that goats need to be treated as if they're a force of nature, better fencing, more to keep them entertained, *not* too rich a diet (my neighbor almost killed hers with too much processed goat food and not enough woody browse) for example. I'm not at all surprised to see people posting that they not only need more "training", but also reminders. The neighbors only had 2 cows and 4 goats and that was years ago now. I don't know for sure, but I suspect they're much more inclined to need a larger social group than cows do.Why (&how) would goats be different?
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Jay Angler wrote:Carla Burke wrote:
I don't have goats, but my neighbor did. Goats don't need a "why" they just are. I've read elsewhere also that goats need to be treated as if they're a force of nature, better fencing, more to keep them entertained, *not* too rich a diet (my neighbor almost killed hers with too much processed goat food and not enough woody browse) for example. I'm not at all surprised to see people posting that they not only need more "training", but also reminders. The neighbors only had 2 cows and 4 goats and that was years ago now. I don't know for sure, but I suspect they're much more inclined to need a larger social group than cows do.Why (&how) would goats be different?
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
Carla Burke wrote: Lol - Ok, I'm glad that got your attention! We recently got goats, and I'm working on setting up their primary paddocks, and thankfully, am about half done (so I actually stand a chance of getting them both done, before the ground completely freezes, for winter). Next spring, we want to add movable, electric paddocks, so we can rotate their grazing/browsing, more easily. But, I've read in a few different places, recently, that goats must be 'trained' to respect the electric fencing. What I'm NOT finding, is how to train them. Does anyone know how?
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Chris Kott wrote:
Carla Burke wrote: Lol - Ok, I'm glad that got your attention! We recently got goats, and I'm working on setting up their primary paddocks, and thankfully, am about half done (so I actually stand a chance of getting them both done, before the ground completely freezes, for winter). Next spring, we want to add movable, electric paddocks, so we can rotate their grazing/browsing, more easily. But, I've read in a few different places, recently, that goats must be 'trained' to respect the electric fencing. What I'm NOT finding, is how to train them. Does anyone know how?
False advertising. I was expecting pictures of electrified floofy little goats, and all I see is sensible discussion. You know, like this, maybe:
But perhaps more Einsteiny? Looking ever so slightly shocked?
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
Kate Downham wrote:Goats love cable spools. They climb on them and play chasings around them.
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
Yes, my master! Here is the tiny ad you asked for:
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