Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
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Timothy Norton wrote:I'll take a swing at your rainwater harvesting to help you flesh it out more if you haven't.
Do you have plans on incorporating a first flush filter or something similar for the water first coming off of the roof?
What is your plan for filtration/management to make the water potable?
Do you plan on where in your system you are going to locate a pump (Assuming you will need a pump to transport the water from the main tank) and incorporating some kind of redundancy in case of pump failure?
I'm not sure how cold your winters are, or where the tank is planned to be located, but freeze protection is something also to also consider and can be easier to flesh out in the planning stage before any work is done.
I hope this gets the wheel's turning or maybe you already have this stuff figured out!
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
I do Celtic, fantasy, folk and shanty singing at Renaissance faires, fantasy festivals, pirate campouts, and other events in OR and WA, USA.
RionaTheSinger on youtube
Riona Abhainn wrote:I want to point out how fortunate you are to live in an area without strict zoning! Good for you! Good choice. That makes these plans more accomplishable. Where I live in OR there are zoning requirements that can get in the way. Its not the strictest state ever, but its stricter than I'd like.
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
best time to plant a tree was yesterday, next best is every day
Patrik Schumann wrote:Looks like a very good plan.
On first scan, I would actually model/ visualise the solar path during over-heating season, & closely consider tree over-shading + natural ventilation, including especially swing days around the thermal mass.
Your area is the largest producer of white oak staves in the world, so I assume that species, though your site is relatively small for agro-forestry it isn't for intensive tree cropping. We're in similar precip area however warming & drying, where some black cherry, few black walnut, increasingly hickory, associate, but fire is coming.
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
'What we do now echoes in eternity.' Marcus Aurelius
How Permies Works Dr. Redhawk's Epic Soil Series
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
Mathew Trotter wrote:After struggling along with a similar project for the last few years, my biggest suggestions are to prioritize and be honest about what things cost in terms of time and money. If you don't have the ability to feed livestock without commercial feed, that eats up a lot of money. Ditto with fencing and so many other things. And it's practically impossibly to do livestock, and garden, and build infrastructure, and work jobs, and et cetera, so it's important to choose one or one and half things and do them well. And if you prioritize a garden first, not only are you eliminating some or all of your food expenses (as long as you save seeds and don't buy in fertility, etc.) for yourselves, you're also eliminating some or all of the food expense for the animals.
And just do less. Everything will take 10 times as long as expected, so don't fill your calendar with a bunch of tasks, all dependent on the completion of the last, and not be able to accomplish the necessary things in time. You can always do more if you're ahead, but it's very difficult to catch up if you overcommit to something that isn't actually that important. Focus on the one thing that will make everything else easier, more comfortable, or more efficient. Be careful about accepting unnecessary deadlines. Always ask yourself "Does this actually matter?" I accomplished way more the second I stopped trying to accomplish more.
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
best time to plant a tree was yesterday, next best is every day
Sherry Willis wrote:I'll admit I have a propensity to being overly optimistic in how much can be gotten done in a given amount of time. I also tend to bring in livestock before I'm completely ready for it. I've made a solemn vow not go get any critters before the barn and paddock are done...wish me luck!!!
Joylynn Hardesty wrote:Have you considered drainage away from your foundation? Take a read through Paul's Wofatti page to see how potential problems can be solved.
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
Mathew Trotter wrote:
Sherry Willis wrote:I'll admit I have a propensity to being overly optimistic in how much can be gotten done in a given amount of time. I also tend to bring in livestock before I'm completely ready for it. I've made a solemn vow not go get any critters before the barn and paddock are done...wish me luck!!!
If you're anything like me, you'll need it. 😂
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
Patrik Schumann wrote:Hello Sherry!
NY NutGrowers Ass. & others have been talking about edible acorns for a long time, though I don't have a line on any yet. Shagbark hickory is supposed to be the best tasting of those nuts. Red mulberry, wild grape, elder, hazel, hawthorn are likely components so any relatives/ substitutes of those. Smith, JR (1929) Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture is a great source on European & Appalachian hill-farming best practices. My siblings-in-law have a black walnut farm in Perryville, so perhaps we can meet to compare notes one day.
I myself am a no-AC please, humid-warmth sufferer. Even your latitude I think the sun rises & sets well N of E & W + is near overhead summer side of equinoxes, so you'll have some exposure. Shade is good, breeze through openings is helpful, though interior stack ventilation might be the holy grail (& you might have that with higher windows on south.
I'll have to ruminate on other aspects of your plan. It's been a long day biking in frosty mist, planting black walnut seed in rocky ground, breaking ice on lake, & walking back sonny who stumbled in.
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
best time to plant a tree was yesterday, next best is every day
Patrik Schumann wrote:I know various mulberries, the red least & it has performed least too out west. The sweetest have been the white & the largest the Pakistani.
Other than wild, which produced this year out east but every nut taken, hazel has been a problem getting propagation-size material & blight-resistant is just now coming out of Rutgers.
UKY has a big pawpaw program.
For locally-adapted + experimental material & approaches, North American Fruit Explorers, Northern NutGrowers Association, etc, and there are several regional groups, have been invaluable sources & support.
Farmington MO - Zone 6b
An Idea without Action is just a Wish.
Blueberry pie is best when it is firm and you can hold in your hand. Smell it. And smell this tiny ad:
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