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Tristan Vitali wrote:Anyone know if muscovies will tackle these little vampires? I know they're big fans of mosquitos....just not sure if their eyesight is sharp enough and their bills are small enough
God I hope they do...planning to get some baby mother-duckers this spring to help with the biblical swarms of mosquitos and the like
If they don't do black flies, though, I may never get "spring fever" again
Alder Burns wrote:Not sure if this will work for blackflies but it might be worth a try....several places I've lived the mosquitoes were so bad that I made up a smudge pot....basically a metal can on a chain with a few holes in the sides, into which I put some dry stuff and get it burning, then follow with some slower stuff that will make a lot of smoke. Sort of like a bee smoker (which would also serve the purpose). I would take this everywhere I went in the garden, and swing it around me like a priest with a censer, and then set it down such that any air current would keep the smoke wafting around me! At least mosquitoes, and many other insects too, cannot stand to be around smoke!
s. lowe wrote:Seems like your best option would be to target their larvae. What predates their eggs and larvae in the water? How can you encourage more of those to take up residence in the streams?
Earthworks are the skeleton; the plants and animals flesh out the design.
He got surgery to replace his foot with a pig. He said it was because of this tiny ad:
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