Thanks, Hans. I haven't observed that particular behavior in the ants around here yet, but now that you mentioned it I'll be on the lookout for it. I think the limb mulch that gets thrown on the
berms may help to hold the soil and later mulch in place so we may leave it even after the needles fall off, but the limb mulch that ends up on the paths seems ideal for later gathering as firewood.
Day 294
Kai and I put together a chicken wire skirt to go around the bottom of the outside of the duck coop to hopefully deter digging predators. It still needs some fine-tuning but I think it's a step in the right direction.
The heat from the experiment and also from the sunny day we had today caused a minor mud slide on the downhill roof edge of the Abbey. Hopefully once lots of growies have taken
root up there such occurrences will be less likely.
On the upside, the heat from the experiment has accelerated the fermentation of my kraut and made it super delicious, especially on rye bread with a little bit of lard. Mmm... krauty.