Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
5acre_dreamer wrote:
I think I'm leaning towards canceling my current subscription & getting the archives.
One more question though. I really liked the outdoor stove the featured sometime last year. The print edition referred me to their website for details. Do they include all the details for all project in the archive DVD? Sounds silly to ask but nowadays you never know ops: I don't want to be referred to the internet while out in the sticks.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
LFIRE wrote:
I have been one of the lifetime subscribers to MEN and
I am tired of carting around huge boxes of the magazines with me whenever I move.
in the last few years, I have thought about ending my subscription as they seem to have gotten into more "yuppie" stuff and away from the basics.
However I did buy the DVD and LOVe it2 Worth it!
I was lucky enough to get it on sale so got it for less than the $40.
I am glad I got it. it is easy to find things in the data base and all that older stuff is wonderful!
I will probably still keep my "real' magazines just because
"they might be worth something someday" haha!
It can be done!
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
SKIP books, get 'em while they're hot!!! Skills to Inherit Property
Sometimes the answer is nothing