For reference, I'm 5' 1/2" so I'm using my height to measure the height of the pile and the measuring tape is set to 5ft. I also trimmed back the branches in the before picture and dropped it into the pile to make space for a 5ft pile. I'm a little concerned about the fire risk of making such a large brush pile. I need to look into this...
To complete this
BB, the minimum requirements are:
- you must make a brush pile at least five feet tall and five feet wide
- dense
enough that you can't see through the pile
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
See attachment 1 - post a picture of a location without a brush pile
See attachment 2 - post a picture of the brush pile under construction
See attachment 3 - post a picture of the completed brush pile at that same spot that is obviously at least five feet tall and five feet wide